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Inorganic reaction mechanisms

Code: 44012
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Vladimir Stilinović
Lecturers: dr. sc. Nikola Bedeković - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
COURSE CONTENT: The rate law. Kinetic behavior of the complexes. The deduction of the reaction mechanisms and activation parameters. Experimental determination of reaction rate. Substitution reaction at the octahedral, square-planar, pentacoordinated and tetrahedral reaction centres. Exchange reactions that involve mono- and polydentate ligands. Oxydation-reduction reactions. Bridgeing ligands. Reactions in the inner and outer coordination spheres, and the electron transfer reactions. Change of the ligand reactivity after complex formation. Conformational isomerism and stereochemical change. Geometrical and optical isomerism in octahedral and square-planar and racemisation of tetrahedral complexes. Organometallic substitution reactions. Homogeneous catalysis by transition metal complexes. Inorganic photochemistry.
1. Explain basic kinetic concepts (rate of reaction) and experimental methods.
2. Qualitatively and quantitatively describe reaction mechanisms in chemistry of coordination compounds.
3. Explain the most important influences on thermodinamical and kinetical stability of complexes.
4. Explain influence and importance of ligand properties and geometry on reactivity.
  1. Ralph G. Wilkins, Kinetics and Mechanisms of Reactions of Transition Metal Complexes, 2nd Ed., VCH, New York, 1991.
  2. Jim D. Atwood, Inorganic and Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms, 2nd Ed., Wiley-VCH, 1997.
  3. Robert B. Jordan, Reaction Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Systems, 3rd Ed., Oxford University Press, 2007.
  4. F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. A. Murillo, M. Bochmann: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6. izd., Wiley, New York, 1999.
  5. Smiljko Ašperger, Kemijska kinetika i anorganski reakcijski mehanizmi, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1999.
2. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Analytical and inorganic chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Analytical and organic chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Analytical and physical chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Analytical chemistry and biochemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Biochemistry and organic chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Biochemistry and physical chemistry
Mandatory course - Regular study - Inorganic and organic chemistry
Mandatory course - Regular study - Inorganic and physical chemistry
Mandatory course - Regular study - Inorganic chemistry and biochemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Physical and organic chemistry

4. semester
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Analytical and organic chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Analytical and physical chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Analytical chemistry and biochemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Biochemistry and organic chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Biochemistry and physical chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Physical and organic chemistry
Consultations schedule: