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Amount requested from UKF: |
1.409.331,76 kn |
Duration: |
15.12.2015.- 14.12.2017. |
Petar Kolar has defended his PhD thesis titled "Optimization of radio frequency components of cryogenic nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy system" at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. Congratulations!
Starting January 13th 2017., the NMR group has increased by another member of the team - dr. Alberto Fraile Garcia. Dr. Fraile has joined the Quantum CorES project and he will help us in research activities on the heavy fermion system. We look forward to our cooperation and the abundance of NMR results. Pun not intended.
We wish him many success in future work!
Our team collaborated with the group at LNCMI to inspect the microscopic properties of the magnetic field-induced order in DTN - the archetype compound for BEC systems. The system was studied in the vicinity of the upper critical field (Hc2 = 12.32 T), where by using static NMR data we traced the emergence of boson density upon entering the BEC phase for H < Hc2, and for the first time tested the validity of various theoretical predictions.
The paper has been published in Physical Review B - Rapid Communication, and received the Editors' Suggestion. It can be found at the link http://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.95.020404
Member of our team Petar Kolar will present our work on optimization of the NMR setup on EuCAP conference held in Paris (France) next year for 19th to 24th March 2017. The conference paper is titled "Towards Optimal Noise Properties of NMR Antenna-Receiver Chain", so if you will be in the area make sure to stop by and hear his lecture.
We'll keep you posted on the exact lecture time.
Details for our still open position can be found on ResearchGate
Laboratory: NMR laboratory for solid state NMR, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Thesis supervisor: asst. prof. Mihael S. GRBIC
Co-supervisor: Dr. Mladen HORVATIC (LNCMI, Grenoble, France)
Title: Investigating Kondo breakdown scenario in heavy fermion compounds by NMR
We are looking for a motivated student with M.Sc. (Master’s degree or equivalent) from the field of experimental solid-state physics to apply to for a PhD position of the Unity Through Knowledge Fund (UKF) open in the Laboratory for solid state NMR, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. The area of research is NMR in heavy fermion compounds.
The first ever pressure-dependence study has started at the Department of Physics. One of our project goals was to initiate the pressure research at the faculty, and we are happy to report that the first pressure mounting has been successful.
In the image to the left one can see two signals - an NQR signal of Cu2O powder measured at ambient pressure and at 8.15 kbar. The position of the line moves due to a change in ionic interaction of copper and surrounding oxygen, when the crystal cell is under stress.
Pressure is increased via hydrostatic compression, and the plan is to reach 26 kbar this summer.
To our great joy, the era of pressure research has begun at the Faculty of Science.
We thank our colleague P. Popčević from the Institute of Physics who helped us in preparation of this experiment.
Starting May 2nd 2016., the NMR group has gained another member of the team - Mr. Petar Kolar, master engineer of information and communication technology and a PhD student at the Faculty of electrical engineering and computing. Mr. Kolar has been emplyed by Quantum CorES project and he will help us further optimise the NMR setup.
We wish him many success in future work!
On March 31st there will be a lecture at FER titled "Kvantni prijelazi – temelj materijala za inženjerske tehnologije budućnosti". The lecture will present the Quantum CorES project and promote several possible collaboration topics between FER and Faculty of Science.
Quantum CorES project is under way!
UKF has published the results of the Crossing Borders Grants. Out of 56 applications, only 9 has received funding and our project is one of them!
Have a look at our research summary and be sure to follow us.
Two PhD positions are open - contact M. Grbić for more information.