Title: | Associate Professor |
Public phone number: | +385(0)1 6189 708 |
Internal phone number: | 136 |
E-mail: | |
Department: | Division of Zoology |
Graduation year: | 2002 |
PhD graduation year: | 2009 |
integrated undergraduate and graduate
Dr. Ana Previšić was born in Zagreb, where she attended elementary and secondary school. In 2002 she graduated Biology at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, in 2009 she received a PhD in Zoology at the same Faculty. From 2009 to 2014 she was a Postdoc researcher at the Division of Zoology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science in Zagreb, from 2014-2019 an Assistant Professor, and currently an Associate Professor. She was/is involved in teaching of the following courses: Biological effects of climate change, Multiple stressors in the environment: Research and management, Zoogeography, Biogeography, Fundametals of molecular ecology, Insect ecology, General ecology, Animal ecology, Biology of freshwater pollution, Freshwater ecology. She is also supervising undergraduate and graduate (master) students. She is involved in national and international projects on the ecology of freshwater ecosystems carried out at the Department of Biology. Her research focuses primarily on taxonomy, phylogeography and ecology of aquatic insects (caddisflies; Trichoptera, Insecta), on response of freshwater biota under multiple stressors and transport of contaminants between freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. She has co-authored 66 scientific papers (45 SCI), 1 university textbook, 1 book chapter and 50 conference abstracts. As a visiting research fellow she was involved in projects at the University of Manchester, UK, Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre in Frankfurt/aM, Germany, and the Catalan Institute for Water Research, Girona, Spain. She received the Annual award for young scientists and artists for the year 2009 from the Society of university teachers, scholars and other scientists in Zagreb. Since 2011 she is an editorial board member of the Journal Entomologia Croatica, and since 2016 Subject editor for Trichoptera in ZooKeys. She was involved in organisation of international and national scientific conferences (member of the scientific committee of the Central European Symposium for Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Research; CESAMIR2, 2016, Pecs, Hungary, CESAMIR3, 2018, Łódź, Poland, CESAMIR4, 2024, Stara Lesna, Slovakia).
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