Field Course in Botany and Vertebrates


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Field Course in Botany and Vertebrates

Code: 208626
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Zlatko Liber
prof. dr. sc. Perica Mustafić
Lecturers: Nikola Renić , mag. educ. biol. et chem. - Field exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Field exercises 120
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The fieldwork is taking place in the future regional park Dinara, the Cetina river basin with the largest reservoir in Croatia, Peruća and Nature park Vransko jezero.


Learning outcomes:
1. Identify, analyze, differentiate and connect morphological and anatomical, ecological and chorological characteristics of the most important plant families.
2. Analyze the adaptations of plants to different habitat conditions.
3. Apply different methods of plant material collecting for future morphological and anatomical, chemical and DNA analyses.
4. Apply different determination keys in practice.
5. Synthesize all previous botanical knowledge to determine unknown plant specimen using different determination keys.
6. Build a personal herbarium and photo collection of the study area.
7. Practice different geocoding methods maps, GPS devices, applications on mobile phones and computers.
8. Perform flora mapping of the study area.
9. Perform statistical analysis.
10. Prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation of the conducted mapping showing all phases of research with the final discussion and conclusions.

Introduction to and use of materials and equipment for fieldwork. Collection of plant samples, Making herbarium collections and conservation of plant material. Applications of determination keys. Main morphological and anatomical, chorological, ecological and chemical properties of families of vascular flora present in the study area. Endangered and protected species of the study area. Methods of geocoding use of maps of different scales, GPS devices and mobile applications. Flora mapping methods. Field research of groups of 4 to 5 students: Determination of qualitative and quantitative floristic composition in different habitat types MTB64 fields. Geocoding, collecting and photographing of plant taxa. Laboratory processing of collections, determination, computer and statistical analysis of the results. Making reports and their public presentation in front of students and teachers.


1. To become familiar with basic skills in collecting vertebrates fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
2. To become familiar with handling and preserving collected animals taken from the wild, handling, accommodation, feeding, stress protection during handling and transportation
3. To learn the proper attitude to laboratory animals and become familiar with criminal sanctions for violators of the law on the animal welfare and law of protection of wild animals.
4. To analyse vertebrates in future regional park Dinara, describe biogeographical characteristics of Cetina basin and the largest reservoir in Croatia: Peruća as well as fauna of vertebrates in Nature park Vransko jezero.

On the field students will learn how to:
1. collect the fish specimen with adequate equipment,
2. find and collect amphibians and reptiles,
3. safely spot, see and catch birds and what a bird rings are for,
4. use determination keys to identify a vertebrate species,
5. recognize birds by listening their songs and calls and
6. how to collect small mammals and identify bats in flight.

Students will be divided into smaller groups, independently conducting academic research and acquire skills that will help them to create independent research, collecting samples, sample analysis, data processing and writing results. Fieldwork includes a visit to the biological particularly interesting areas and getting to know the mechanisms of management of the same.
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Attended : Phylogeny and Systematics of Plants
Attended : Vertebrates
8. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Biology and Chemistry Education
Consultations schedule:
  • prof. dr. sc. Zlatko Liber:

    Every Friday 13 - 15h. Marulićev trg 9A/ II


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