Malacology and Astacology in Teaching Biology


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Malacology and Astacology in Biology Teaching

Code: 208676
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Ivana Maguire
prof. dr. sc. Jasna Lajtner
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Jasna Lajtner - Practicum
prof. dr. sc. Ivana Maguire - Practicum
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Practicum 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
This course aims to provide students with knowledge needed to observe, analyse and explain ecology, biology, diversity and behaviour of different molluscs and freshwater crayfish so they could apply it in Biology teaching and make teaching units more interesting and attractive to pupils.
1.Introductory lesson
2. Introduction into malacology. History of molluscs research.
3.-4. Comparative morphology, anatomy and physiology of molluscs
5. Ecology and biogeography oh molluscs.
6. Molluscs behaviour. Diseases of molluscs.
7. Molluscs farming methods. Man's uses of molluscs.
8. Invasive species of molluscs. Protected and threatened species of molluscs in Croatia.
9. Introduction into astacology (history of crayfish research, crayfish diversity)
10.-11. Infraorder Astacidea systematics (morphological and anatomical features of families Astacidae, Cambardae, Parastacidae; similarities with other crustacean)
12. Biology of family Astacidae
13. Ecology of family Astacidae
14. Diseaseas, epibionts and invasive crayfish
15. Freshwater crayfish of Europe - vulnarebility and protection

Practical lessons include two field trips and laboratory analyses of samples and data from the field.
1.-7. Field trip and lab work - malacology
8.- 14. Field trip and lab work - astacology
15. Preparation of biology lessons and/or pupils' research projects based on field work experience
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8. semester
Izborni predmeti biologija 2 / kemija 2 - Regular study - Biology and Chemistry Education
Consultations schedule: