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Reactive Intermediates in Organic Chemistry

Code: 152808
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge: dr. sc. Nikola Basarić
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
This course comprises an overview of reactive intermediates chemistry with an emphasis on reactive radicals, radical-ions, diradicals, carbenes, nitrenes, strained molecules and other reactive intermediates such as quinone methides. The student will learn reaction mechanisms where the reactive intermediates are formed. In the study of reactive intermediates it is important to define reactive intermediates geometry and electronic structure. Student should acquire knowledge in the synthetic methods for the preparation of reactive intermediates, methods for the isolation in cryogenic conditions, as well as spectroscopic detection and characterization. Within the spectroscopic techniques the students should learn principles of electron-spin resonance and laser flash photolysis. The chemistry of reactive intermediates will be extended to the applications in the synthesis of complex molecules by use of modern catalytic methods of carbene organometalic complexes.
Learning outcome:
1. Extend fundamental knowledge in organic chemistry through chemistry of reactive intermediates
2. Define and explain reaction mechanisms where reactive intermediates are formed
3. Familiarize with the synthetic methods for the preparation of reactive intermediates
4. Define methods for the detection of reactive intermediates.
5. Apply chemistry of reactive intermediates in the synthesis of complex molecular systems.
Teaching methods: lectures, seminars and consultations
Exam: essay (writen)
    R. A. Moss, M. S. Platz, M. Jones, Jr., Reactive Intermediate Chemistry, Wiley, New York, 2004.
    E. V. Anslyn, D. A. Dougherty, Modern Physical Organic Chemistry, University Science Books, Sausalito, 2006.
    M. Regitz: C-Radicale: Methoden der Organischen Chemie, Vol. 1 i 2, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1989.
    W. Sander, G. Bucher, S. Wierlacher, Chem. Rev. 93 (1993) 1583.
    U. H. Brinker, Advances in Carbene Chemistry, Vol. 2, 1998, JAI Pressinc. 1998.
    K. Mlinarić-Majerski, Distorted Saturated Hydrocarbons: Molecules with Inverted Carbon Atoms, u Strained Hydrocarbons (urednik H. Dodziuk), WILEY-VCH, Weinheim, 2006.
    M. N. Hopkinson, C. Richter, M. Schedler, F. Glorius, An overview of N-heterocyclic carbenes, Nature 510 (2014) 485-496.
    R. A. Moss, Adventures in Reactive Intermediate Chemistry: A Perspective and Retrospective, J. Org. Chem. 82 (2017) 2307-2318.
1. semester
Izborni kolegiji za smjer analitička kemija - Regular study - Analytical chemistry
Izborni kolegiji za smjer biokemija - Regular study - Biochemistry
Izborni kolegiji za smjer anorganska i strukturna kemija - Regular study - Inorganic and structural chemistry
Izborni kolegiji za smjer organska kemija - Regular study - Organic chemistry
Izborni kolegiji za smjer fizikalna kemija - Regular study - Physical chemistry

3. semester
Izborni predmeti doktorski studij kemije - Regular study - Analytical chemistry
Izborni predmeti doktorski studij kemije - Regular study - Biochemistry
Izborni predmeti doktorski studij kemije - Regular study - Inorganic and structural chemistry
Izborni predmeti doktorski studij kemije - Regular study - Organic chemistry
Izborni predmeti doktorski studij kemije - Regular study - Physical chemistry
Consultations schedule: