About employee

Ozana Mišura, mag. chem.

Function:Research Assistant
Location: 117
Public phone number:+385 1 4606 305
Internal phone number:6305
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Graduation year:2020
Employed in this institution since:2020


Education: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Bachelor thesis (Chemistry, 2017); Diploma thesis (Chemistry, 2020).

Affiliation and current position: Division of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Assistant (2020–).

Teaching: Undergraduate studies (General and Inorganic Chemistry - laboratory work)

Research interest: mechanically induced flexibility of crystals, solution and mechanochemical synthesis of transition metal complexes, co-crystallization, crystal engineering, supramolecular chemistry, crystallization

Participation in research projects: 

2020. – , Associate Researcher on the project: „From form to function: Mechanically flexible crystalline materials with controllable responses“ (financed by the Croatian Science Foundation)

Memberships: Member of the Croatian Chemical Society, European Crystallographic Association and Croatian Crystallographic Association.

Professional memberships

Croatian Chemical Society (CCS), member

Croatian Crystallographic Association (CCA), member

European Crystallographic Association (ECA), member

List of select projects

2020. - today, Associate:

Project funded by Croatian Science Foundation (2020-2024): IP-2019-04-1242 From form to function: Mechanically flexible crystalline materials with controllable responses (Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Marijana Đaković)