University of Zagreb
Faculty of Science
Department of Physics
Bijenička cesta 32
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Laboratory 010 (subterrain)
Contact: prof. dr. sc. Miroslav Požek
e-mail: mpozek [at]
Tel. : +385 1 460 5541
How to reach us?
Bus lines
lines 201, 106, 238 and 226 from Kaptol (get of at 3rd stop) or take line 201 from Kvaternik's suqare
By tram
lines 8 i 14 to Mihaljevac up to Gupčeva Zvijezda, 30 metars back and uphill by stairs for 5 mins.
Geographical location
Longitude: 45o 49.7' N
Lattitude: 15o 59.1' E
Lattitude: 15o 59.1' E
altitude: 203 (+- 10) m