Study Programs

General description of the study

Academic research study of geophysics:

a) Bachelor of Geophysics (undergraduate study),

b) Master of Physics - Geophysics (graduate study).


Study is organized by:

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geophysics, Zagreb


Duration of the study

a) six (6) semesters (undergraduate program),

b) four (4) semesters (graduate program).


Undergraduate academic research program: BACHELOR OF GEOPHYSICS

    The study of geophysics at the Faculty of Science takes three years, with the total of 180 ECTS credits. It ends with the exams in all courses included in the program and collecting 180 ECTS credits.
   The program itself is unique in that it insists on a relatively broad general geophysical education before specialization by individual professions. Thus, graduates of geophysics learn about the physical basis of geophysical disciplines that are nurtured in the Geophysical Institute, and skills needed for professional and technical work: conducting measurements, maintenance and calibration of instruments, data collection and their basic interpretation, routine analysis of geophysical series, data archiving and field work (e.g. macroseismic research).



Graduate academic research program: MASTER OF PHYSICS – GEOPHYSICS

    The study of geophysics at the Faculty of Science takes two years, with the total of 120 ECTS credits. The requirement for admission is completed the appropriate undergraduate or integrated university study that provides for the acquisition of appropriate competencies required for the MA program in physics-geophysics. Applicants evaluate these competencies by examining the curriculum completion of undergraduate or integrated studies. If necessary, students take supplementary courses. 
    The program itself is unique in that it insists on a relatively broad general geophysical education before specialization by individual professions. Thus, the program of the first semester is identical for all students, and in the second semester students have the option to choose one of two available directions: meteorology and physical oceanography and seismology and physics of solid Earth. The study is completed by passing the graduation exam, which consists of two parts: assessment of geophysical courses according to the list of test questions to be determined at the beginning of the academic year and the defense of thesis where the student access after successfully passing the first exam. Graduate study program in physics-geophysics offers a thorough theoretical and practical knowledge of basic geophysical fields (meteorology, physical oceanography, seismology, geomagnetism and aeronomy) and the ability to start scientific research in the area of selected disciplines, as well as the enrolment of doctoral study.