Rock forming minerals, structure, texture, mode of occurrence. Intrusive, vein and extrusive rocks. Pyroclastic rocks. Earth mineral and chemical composition, magma, macro-, micro- and trace-elements, mineral mode and norms, variation diagrams, magmatic series. Classification of igneous rocks. Volcanoes. Magma origin and evolution. Magma emplacement and relative age. Magma crystallization and differentiation, crystallization and melting in binary and ternary systems. Influence of different geological factors on crystallization process. Partial melting. Igneous rocks associations, plate tectonic in magmatic cycle. Mantle, meteorites, petrology of terrestrial planets and satellites. Magmatism on the active and passive continental margins. Igneous rocks of divergent plate margins, rift, oceanic crust, upper mantle. Volcanism inside oceanic plates, hot-spots, layered mafic intrusions, continental alkalic magmatism, anorthosites. Igneous rocks of convergent margins, island arc, continental magmatic arc, ophiolite suite. Plate (continental-continental) collision, granite. Metamorphism, limits, factors, grade. Type and classification of metamorphism. Prograde and retrograde metamorphism. Protoliths and chemical composition of metamorphic rocks. Rock forming minerals, textures and structures of metamorphic rocks. Classifications - scheme and recommendations. Influence of pressure, temperature and fluids on the mineral assemblage. Metamorphic isograds, facies and facies series. Metamorphic belts. Thermal, cataclastic, regional, sea floor, burial, impact, polyphase metamorphism. Geotectonic settings of metamorphism. Application of equlibrium concepts to metamorphic rocks, geotermobarometry basics, age of metamorphism, P-T-t reaction paths.