Research papers:


I. Jakovac, M. Horvatić, E. Schwier, A. Prokofiev, S. Paschen, H. Mitamura, T. Sakakibara, M. S. Grbić, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 245601 (2020)


P. Kolar, M. S. Grbić, S. Hrabar, Sensors 19, 03064 (2019)


M. S. Grbić, JAP 125, 224501 (2019)


T. Cvitanić, M. Lukas, M. S. Grbić, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 043903 (2019)


D. Pelc, P. Popčević, M. Požek, M. Greven, and N. Barišić, Sci. Adv. 5, eaau4538 (2019)


D. Pelc, M. Vučković, M. S. Grbić, M. Požek, G. Yu, T. Sasagawa, M. Greven and N. Barišić, Nat. Comm 9, 4327 (2018)


P. Popčević , D. Pelc, Y. Tang, K. Velebit, Z. Anderson, V. Nagarajan, G. Yu , M. Požek, N. Barišić and M. Greven, npj Quantum Materials 3, 42 (2018).


T. Cvitanić, V. Šurija, K. Prša, O. Zaharko, I. Kupčić, P. Babkevich, M. Frontzek, M. Požek, H. Berger, A. Magrez, H. M. Rønnow, M. S. Grbić, and I. Živković, Phys. Rev. B 98, 054409 (2018)


M. Bosiočić, F. Bert, S. E. Dutton, R. J. Cava, P. J. Baker, M. Požek, and P. Mendels, Phys. Rev. B 96, 224424 (2017)


D. Pelc, H.-J. Grafe, G. D. Gu, and M. Požek, Phys. Rev. B 95, 054508 (2017).


R. Blinder et al. Phys. Rev. B 95, 020404(R) (2017).


D. Pelc, M. Vučković, H.-J. Grafe, S.-H. Baek, M. Požek, Nature Communications 7, 12775 (2016).


J. C. C. Freitas, W. L. Scopel, W. S. Paz, L. V. Bernardes, F. E. Cunha-Filho, C. Speglich, F. M. Araújo-Moreira, D. Pelc, T. Cvitanić, M. Požek, Scientific Reports 5, 14761 (2015).


D. Pelc, M. Požek, V. Despoja and D. K. Sunko, New J. Phys. 17, 083033 (2015).


M. Došlić, D. Pelc and M. Požek, Rev. Sci. Instrum 85, 073905 (2014).


T. Cvitanić, D. Pelc, M. Požek, E. Amit, and A. Keren, Phys. Rev. B 90, 054508 (2014).

Home of the HRZZ projects

IP-11-2013-2729 LOMEDY

IP-2018-01-2970 MicroS

As a second visit, SOLeNeMaR has contacted Končar Electrical Engineering Institute ( ). Their interest was in collaborating with the Department of Physics on different topics, and we were asked to organize three short seminars at their location on May 28th .  The seminars were held by Prof. Požek ("Resolving the microscopic model of conductivity in an ionic conductor Cu2 HgI4 with NMR" ), Prof. A. Dulčić : ("Luminiscence for noncontact thermal measurements" ), and Prof. H. Buljan ("Molding the flow of light in photonic structures" ). After the seminars a lively discussion followed with many interesting questions. These seminars and discussions, together with the contact that preceded this meeting led to a joint application for SME-academia project that is submitted to one of the open calls within Croatia (BICRO). We are looking forward to fruitful collaboration with Končar Electrical Engineering Institute.

Author: Mihael Srđan Grbić
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