Investments and asset management
Life insurance
- Asset classes
- Capital markets
- Risk
- Modern portfolio theory (MPT)
- Valuation of financial instruments
- Institutional investors
- Individual investors
- Actuarial techniques
- Investment performance measurement
- Regulatory and tax aspects and other restrictions
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- Actuarial control cycle
- Principles of life insurance
- Risk and uncertainty in life insurance
- Data and its verification
- Determination of product design and setting actuarial assumptions
- Pricing and valuation of life insurance contracts
- Surrenders and policy alterations
- The principles of investment and asset - liability matching
- Solvency
- Reinsurance and underwriting
- Analysis of experience
- Value of life insurance company
- Capital requirement
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General insurance
Pension funds
(elective course)
- Actuarial control cycle
- Principles of general insurance
- Risk and uncertainty in general insurance
- Data and data verification
- Product costing
- Methods and reserving bases
- Determining appropriate reinsurance
- Investment principles and asset-liability matching
- Analysis of experience
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- Goals and basic principles
- PAYG pension schemes
- Funded pension systems defined benefit schemes
- Funded pension systems defined contributions schemes
- Techniques of actuarial valuations
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Health insurance
(elective course)
Stohastic calculus in finance
(elective course)
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- Brownovo gibanje
- Stohastički račun
- Black-Scholes-Mertonov model
- Ekvivalentna martingalna mjera
- Egzotične opcije
- Američke opcije
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Extreme value theory. Applications in insurance (elective course)
- Osnovni problemi i ideje teorije ekstremnih vrijednosti
- Domene atrakcije maksimuma (MDA)
- Asimptotsko ponašanje uređajnih statistika
- Procjena
- Analiza ekstrema višedimenzionalnih podataka
- Ekstremalno ponašanje stacionarnih procesa
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