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Introductory Physics Lab 2

Code: 150453
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge:
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Laboratory exercises 60
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Through laboratory practice students will be introduced to the basics of experimental work that is essential for the integrity of research in physics in general. Their knowledge on theoretical subjects in the field of mechanics, electricity and magnetism shall be determined and related to their own work in laboratory. They will be introduced and practiced to independently operate the basic devices for measuring mechanical and electrical physical sizes and in making the apparatus with the aim of simple experimental research. Students will, through specific situations, gain the measured data processing skills (manual and computer), and based on these results they will adopt special and general conclusions. These rounded up process for the given physical problems will developed their ability to integrate their way of solving problems in future research.

Students independently perform the following Exercises rotating every two weeks:
Surface tension: precisely measured breakout force of the ring at the surface and explores the surface tension as a function of temperature and tension is measured also by the capillary effect of the surface;
The viscosity of the liquid: the viscosity coefficient dependence on temperature is explored and measured by balls falling in two viscous media;
Liquid Density: the density of water is measured through buoyancy over a wide temperature range, water anomalies and its coefficients of thermal expansion are explored;
The gas laws: study the isothermal, isochoric and isobaric change to a given quantity of air;
Lenses and optical instruments: obtaining images from different systems of lenses their focal length are determined. Various optical instruments are constructed, like telescopes, slide projector, a microscope;
Speed oflight: the speed of light is determined by measuring the phase shift modulated light for various routes which she passed, and by deflection of the various components of white light the dependence of refractive index glass prisms on the wavelength is determined;
Diffraction and interference of light: interfering images obtained with Fresnel mirrors or bi-prism and the analysis of the interference pictures determines the wavelength of laser light, a diffraction pattern obtained using cracks describes the theoretical model.
For each exercise, it is possible to work in laboratory for at least 5 full hours, which is preceded by the preparation at home.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
- independently use measuring devices and apparatus in the field of mechanics and electromagnetism to carry out simple experiments according to the tasks and instructions;
- analyze the measured data using statistical methods handheld calculator and computer and numerically and graphicallydisplay the results;
- present the results of their work in the form of full reports;
- connect theoretical knowledge with performing Exercises and functioning of the components of the apparatus;
- generalize the results of measurements which are critically examined and interpreted in the light of the well-known theory.


Students must be prepared to work before arriving at a given exercise. They must first demonstrate their preparedness, and then individually prepare the apparatus and make measurements, followed by the analysis of the results and by oral explaining and answering. Completed written report must be submitted prior to departure from the laboratory.

Input colloquium of five short questions about the corresponding exercises must be positively evaluated. Testing during operation in the workshop on the physical background exercises, functioning instruments and apparatus, results, analysis, and other necessary knowledge related to exercise, must also result in a positive mark. Report from the assumed form must contain answers to all the tasks and include a description of the results, analysis, graphics, and earn a passing grade. Final grade is calculated from these three components respectively included with the weight of 20%, 40%, 40%, and the final score is the average of all exercises. The drop is allowed at most one exercise, but then the same must be re-done with a passing grade. Since it is fully inspected in all the essential elements when working with any exercise, there is no final exam.
  1. Pripreme za vježbe, za internu upotrebu
  2. Predavanja i udžbenici korišteni na Općoj fizici 1, 2 i 3
  3. Udžbenici opće fizike po izboru
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Passed : Introductory Physics Lab 1
Attended : General Physics 3
4. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Geophysics
Consultations schedule: