Lectures and practicum
1. Historical review of the research of insects in Croatia.
2-3. Morphological features of different groups (classes) of arthropods.
4. Systematic of arthropods with special review to the group of Hexapoda.
5. Evolution of insects and Biodiversity.
6-13. Morphological, ethological and ecological characteristics of different orders (classis) of Hexapods: Collembola Protura, Diplura, Ephemeroptera, odontoma, Plecoptera, Blattodea, Mantodea, Matophasmodea, Orthoptera, Isoptera, Hemiptera, Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Siphonaptera, Hymenoptera, Strepsiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Mecoptera , Trichoptera, Lepidoptera.
14. Biodiversity and protection of insects. Exploration of different groups of insects in Croatia.
Learning outcomes:
1. Understand the morphological concepts of different orders of insects.
2. Understand the morphological and evolutionary relationships of insects to other groups of arthropods.
3. Analysis of morphological features of different orders of insects.
4. Understand the main reasons for today's diversity of insects from evolutionary and ecological perspective.
5. Understand specific aspects of insects and biodiversity.
6. Understand the threat of insects and analyze measures to protect certain species and habitats.
7. Understand the reasons for the further study of insects in Croatia.
- Obavezna literatura:
Chinery, M. (2012) Insects of Britain and Western Europe. Bloomsbury Publishing, 320 str., London.
Matoničkin, I., Primc-Habdija, B. & Habdija, I., (1999) Beskralješnjaci, Biologija viših Avertebrata. Školska knjiga, 609 str., Zagreb.
McGavin, G.C., (2001) Essential Entomology. Oxford Universiyt Press, 318 str., Oxford.
Dopunska literatura:
Habdija, I., Primc Habdija, B., Radanović, I., Vidaković, J., Kučinić, M., Špoljar, M., Matoničkin, R. & Miliša, M., (2004) Protista-Protozoa i Metazoa- Invertebrata. Funkcionalna građa i praktikum. Meridijani, 399 str., Samobor.
Habdija, I., Primc Habdija, B., Radanović, I., Špoljar, M., Matoničkin Kepčija, R., Vujčić Karlo, S., Miliša, M., Ostojić, A. & Sertić Perić, M., (2011) Alfa, 584 str., Zagreb.
Kučinić, M. & Plavac, I., (2009) Danji leptiri - Priručnik za inventarizaciju i praćenje stanja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, 41 str., Zagreb.
Kučinić, M., Mihoci, I. & Delić, A., (2014) Leptiri oko nas. Školska knjiga, 184 str., Zagreb.
Matoničkin, I., Klobučar, G. & Kučinić, M., (2010) Opća zoologija. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 467 str., Školska knjiga, Zagreb.