1. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
6.0 |
Cell Biology (171096)
Pavoković, D.
- | 75
| 1 | INFO |
4.0 |
General Chemistry 1 (253560)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 1 | INFO |
3.0 |
General Chemistry Laboratory 1 (171099)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 1 | INFO |
4.0 |
General Zoology (171097)
Klobučar, G.; Maguire, I.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
4.0 |
Mathematics 1 (253561)
Ilišević, D.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 1 (38079)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 1 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physics 1 (171101)
Paar, D.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
4.0 |
Psychology of Learning and Teaching (171102)
Ljubin Golub, T.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
2. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Histology and Embryology (171104)
Gračan, R.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
4.0 |
General Chemistry 2 (253562)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.
- | 45
| 2 | INFO |
3.0 |
General Chemistry Laboratory 2 (171107)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.
- | 45
| 2 | INFO |
5.0 |
Genetics (171103)
Pavlica, M.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
5.0 |
Mathematics 2 (253563)
Ilišević, D.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 2 (38080)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 2 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physics 2 (171109)
Paar, D.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
4.0 |
Plant Morphology and Anatomy (171105)
Hruševar, D.; Rusak, G.; Šola, I.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
3. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Algae and Fungi (183951)
Žutinić, P.
- | 60
| 3 | INFO |
4.0 |
Analytical Chemistry 1 (183952)
Jednačak, T.
- | 45
| 3 | INFO |
3.0 |
Basic Laboratory in Analytical Chemistry (183953)
Jednačak, T.
- | 45
| 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Organic Chemistry 1 (183955)
Biljan, I.
- | 60
| 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Pedagogy (183956)
Tot, D.
- | 60
| 3 | INFO |
6.0 |
Physical Chemistry 1 (183954)
Požar, J.
- | 75
| 3 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 3 (40849)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti nastava, 3. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Extracurricular Activities in Biology (75090)
Sirovina, D.
- | 45
| 3 | INFO |
4.0 |
Introduction to Human Sexuality (170112)
Štulhofer, A.
- | 60
| 3 | INFO |
4.0 |
Methodology of Researching Education (227698)
Opić, S.
- | 30
| 3 | INFO |
4.0 |
Spoken and Written Expression of Teachers (47321)
Kišiček, G.
- | 60
| 3 | INFO |
4. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Analytical Chemistry 2 (183959)
Galić, N.
- | 45
| 4 | INFO |
2.0 |
Basic Laboratory in Physical Chemistry (183961)
Begović, T.
- | 30
| 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Fundamentals of Evolution (183957)
Kovačević, G.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Microbiology (183958)
Ježić, M.; Šeruga Musić, M.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Organic Chemistry 2 (183962)
Petrović Peroković, V.; Car, Ž.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
7.0 |
Physical Chemistry 2 (183960)
Begović, T.
- | 90
| 4 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 4 (40850)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti nastava, 4. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Bird Ecology in Biology Teaching (83842)
Marčić, Z.
- | 45
| 4 | INFO |
4.0 |
First Aid (47318)
Tonković, D.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
4.0 |
Rhetorics and Culture of Speech of Teachers (47320)
Šego, J.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
4.0 |
Sustainable Development in Teaching Natural Sciences (47308)
Sertić Perić, M.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
5. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
2.0 |
Basic Biochemistry Laboratory (196123)
Dulić, M.
- | 30
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Basic Organic Chemistry Laboratory (196124)
Biljan, I.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
5.0 |
Biochemistry 1 (196122)
Rokov Plavec, J.
- | 60
| 5 | INFO |
6.0 |
Fundamentals of Ecology (196119)
Essert, S.; Ternjej, I.
- | 75
| 5 | INFO |
4.0 |
Inorganic Chemistry 1 (196121)
Soldin, Ž.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
4.0 |
Invertebrates (196120)
Matoničkin Kepčija, R.
- | 60
| 5 | INFO |
5.0 |
Statistics (208618)
Wagner, V.
- | 60
| 5 | INFO |
6. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Basic Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (196132)
Rubčić, M.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Biochemistry 2 (196131)
Maršavelski, A.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
4.0 |
Field Course in Biodiversity of Invertebrates and Protists (196133)
Žutinić, P.; Matoničkin Kepčija, R.
- | 120
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy (196127)
Jalšovec, D.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
4.0 |
Inorganic Chemistry 2 (196130)
Rubčić, M.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (196128)
Ivančić Baće, I.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
4.0 |
Phylogeny and Systematics of Plants (196129)
Liber, Z.
- | 60
| 6 | INFO |
4.0 |
Vertebrates (196126)
Mustafić, P.
- | 60
| 6 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti biologija, 6. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Development of Scientific Thinking in Biology (227700)
Korać, P.; Radanović, I.; Kovačević, G.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Experience-based Learning in Microbiology Teaching (196137)
Černi, S.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Environmental Protection (240553)
Buj, I.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Hominid Evolution (196135)
Kovačević, G.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Research Assignments in Biology Teaching (196136)
Miliša, M.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Vegetation of Croatia (240552)
Essert, S.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
7. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Advanced Chemistry Laboratory (208617)
Kekez, I.
- | 60
| 7 | INFO |
3.0 |
Biogeography (208616)
Previšić, A.; Šoštarić, R.
- | 30
| 7 | INFO |
5.0 |
Didactics (231286)
Tot, D.
- | 60
| 7 | INFO |
7.0 |
Human Physiology (208619)
Benković, V.; Đikić, D.
- | 75
| 7 | INFO |
5.0 |
Plant Physiology (208615)
Radić Brkanac, S.
- | 60
| 7 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti kemija, 7. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Environmental Chemistry (213044)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 7 | INFO |
3.0 |
History and Philosophy of Chemistry (213045)
Stilinović, V.
- | 30
| 7 | INFO |
3.0 |
Mineralogy (212476)
Schneider, P.
- | 45
| 7 | INFO |
4.0 |
Modern Biochemical Research and its Applications (213049)
Maršavelski, A.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Practical Analytical Chemistry (213046)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Systems (213048)
Požar, J.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
8. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Basic Skills of Teaching Biology (208624)
Radanović, I.; Sertić Perić, M.
- | 30
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Field Course in Botany and Vertebrates (208626)
Liber, Z.; Mustafić, P.
- | 120
| 8 | INFO |
5.0 |
Laboratory Teaching Methods in Chemistry 1 (208621)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
3.0 |
Physical Education (208625)
Erhardt, J.
- | 30
| 8 | INFO |
6.0 |
Teaching Methods in Chemistry 1 (208620)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti biologija i/ili kemija, 8. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Additional Chapters in Microbiology (208677)
Černi, S.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Algae and Student Projects (208674)
Gligora Udovič, M.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Croatian Flora (208673)
Nikolić, T.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Entomology in Teaching Biology (208679)
Kučinić, M.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals in Chemistry of Natural Organic Compounds (213052)
Škalamera, Đ.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry and Colid State Chemistry (213410)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Physical Organic Chemistry (213051)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Horticulture and School Gardens (208672)
Šoštarić, R.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Immunity, Deseases and Global Health (208678)
Benković, V.; Đikić, D.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Integrated Chemistry 1 (208693)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Malacology and Astacology in Biology Teaching (208676)
Maguire, I.; Lajtner, J.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Marine Biology in Biology Teaching (208675)
Bakran-Petricioli, T.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Metal-organic Compounds and Their Application in Catalysis (240887)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Rates and Equilibria of Chemical Reactions (213047)
Požar, J.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Workshops in Cell Biology and Genetics (208680)
Urlić, I.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
9. semester, 5. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Laboratory Teaching Methods in Chemistry 2 (210184)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
7.0 | Master's Thesis with Seminar (227701) | - | 30
| 9 | INFO |
5.0 |
Teaching Methods in Biology (210180)
Radanović, I.; Sertić Perić, M.
- | 75
| 9 | INFO |
6.0 |
Teaching Methods in Chemistry 2 (210183)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
3.0 |
Teaching Methods in Nature Classes (227664)
Kekez, I.; Planinić, M.; Radanović, I.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti biologija i/ili kemija i/ili nastava, 9. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Applied Ecotoxicology in Teaching (227686)
Štambuk, A.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Connecting Biological Content Knowledge (269823)
Radanović, I.; Sertić Perić, M.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Environment and Health (227688)
Lisičić, D.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Experimental Plant Physiology in Teaching (227687)
Vidaković-Cifrek, Ž.; Tkalec, M.; Radić Brkanac, S.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Experiments in Animal Biology (227689)
Lisičić, D.; Galov, A.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Integrated Chemistry 2 (227692)
Stilinović, V.; Biljan, I.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Modern Biochemical Research and its Applications (213049)
Maršavelski, A.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Plants in the Phytotherapy (227683)
Rusak, G.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Practical Analytical Chemistry (213046)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Practical Work in Teaching Botany (227684)
Liber, Z.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
3.0 |
Prevention of Abuse and Risky Behavior (227693)
Petričević, E.
- | 30
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Project Management in Biology Education (227690)
Erhardt, J.; Hudina, S.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Research in Ecology for Students (227691)
Ternjej, I.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
School Vivarium (227695)
Ternjej, I.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Systems (213048)
Požar, J.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Teaching Biology Outside the Classroom (185747)
Sirovina, D.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Teaching Methods for Students with Special Needs (47306)
Hrvatić, N.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
10. semester, 5. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Field Course in Ecology (210187)
Ternjej, I.; Essert, S.
- | 120
| 10 | INFO |
16.0 | Master's Thesis with Seminar (227702) | - | 90
| 10 | INFO |
6.0 |
Teaching Practice in Biology (210185)
Radanović, I.; Sertić Perić, M.; Sirovina, D.
- | 90
| 10 | INFO |
4.0 |
Teaching Practice in Chemistry (210186)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 10 | INFO |
1. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
6.0 |
Cell Biology (171096)
Pavoković, D.
- | 75
| 1 | INFO |
4.0 |
General Chemistry 1 (253560)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 1 | INFO |
3.0 |
General Chemistry Laboratory 1 (171099)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 1 | INFO |
4.0 |
General Zoology (171097)
Klobučar, G.; Maguire, I.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
4.0 |
Mathematics 1 (253561)
Ilišević, D.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 1 (38079)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 1 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physics 1 (171101)
Paar, D.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
4.0 |
Psychology of Learning and Teaching (171102)
Ljubin Golub, T.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
2. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Histology and Embryology (171104)
Gračan, R.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
4.0 |
General Chemistry 2 (253562)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.
- | 45
| 2 | INFO |
3.0 |
General Chemistry Laboratory 2 (171107)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.
- | 45
| 2 | INFO |
5.0 |
Genetics (171103)
Pavlica, M.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
5.0 |
Mathematics 2 (253563)
Ilišević, D.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 2 (38080)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 2 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physics 2 (171109)
Paar, D.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
4.0 |
Plant Morphology and Anatomy (171105)
Hruševar, D.; Rusak, G.; Šola, I.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
3. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Algae and Fungi (183951)
Žutinić, P.
- | 60
| 3 | INFO |
4.0 |
Analytical Chemistry 1 (183952)
Jednačak, T.
- | 45
| 3 | INFO |
3.0 |
Basic Laboratory in Analytical Chemistry (183953)
Jednačak, T.
- | 45
| 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Organic Chemistry 1 (183955)
Biljan, I.
- | 60
| 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Pedagogy (183956)
Tot, D.
- | 60
| 3 | INFO |
6.0 |
Physical Chemistry 1 (183954)
Požar, J.
- | 75
| 3 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 3 (40849)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti nastava, 3. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Extracurricular Activities in Biology (75090)
Sirovina, D.
- | 45
| 3 | INFO |
4.0 |
Introduction to Human Sexuality (170112)
Štulhofer, A.
- | 60
| 3 | INFO |
4.0 |
Methodology of Researching Education (227698)
Opić, S.
- | 30
| 3 | INFO |
4.0 |
Spoken and Written Expression of Teachers (47321)
Kišiček, G.
- | 60
| 3 | INFO |
4. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Analytical Chemistry 2 (183959)
Galić, N.
- | 45
| 4 | INFO |
2.0 |
Basic Laboratory in Physical Chemistry (183961)
Begović, T.
- | 30
| 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Fundamentals of Evolution (183957)
Kovačević, G.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Microbiology (183958)
Ježić, M.; Šeruga Musić, M.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Organic Chemistry 2 (183962)
Petrović Peroković, V.; Car, Ž.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
7.0 |
Physical Chemistry 2 (183960)
Begović, T.
- | 90
| 4 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 4 (40850)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti nastava, 4. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Bird Ecology in Biology Teaching (83842)
Marčić, Z.
- | 45
| 4 | INFO |
4.0 |
First Aid (47318)
Tonković, D.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
4.0 |
Rhetorics and Culture of Speech of Teachers (47320)
Šego, J.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
4.0 |
Sustainable Development in Teaching Natural Sciences (47308)
Sertić Perić, M.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
5. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
2.0 |
Basic Biochemistry Laboratory (196123)
Dulić, M.
- | 30
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Basic Organic Chemistry Laboratory (196124)
Biljan, I.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
5.0 |
Biochemistry 1 (196122)
Rokov Plavec, J.
- | 60
| 5 | INFO |
6.0 |
Fundamentals of Ecology (196119)
Essert, S.; Ternjej, I.
- | 75
| 5 | INFO |
4.0 |
Inorganic Chemistry 1 (196121)
Soldin, Ž.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
4.0 |
Invertebrates (196120)
Matoničkin Kepčija, R.
- | 60
| 5 | INFO |
5.0 |
Statistics (208618)
Wagner, V.
- | 60
| 5 | INFO |
6. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Basic Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (196132)
Rubčić, M.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Biochemistry 2 (196131)
Maršavelski, A.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
4.0 |
Field Course in Biodiversity of Invertebrates and Protists (196133)
Žutinić, P.; Matoničkin Kepčija, R.
- | 120
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy (196127)
Jalšovec, D.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
4.0 |
Inorganic Chemistry 2 (196130)
Rubčić, M.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (196128)
Ivančić Baće, I.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
4.0 |
Phylogeny and Systematics of Plants (196129)
Liber, Z.
- | 60
| 6 | INFO |
4.0 |
Vertebrates (196126)
Mustafić, P.
- | 60
| 6 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti biologija, 6. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Development of Scientific Thinking in Biology (227700)
Korać, P.; Radanović, I.; Kovačević, G.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Experience-based Learning in Microbiology Teaching (196137)
Černi, S.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Environmental Protection (240553)
Buj, I.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Hominid Evolution (196135)
Kovačević, G.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Research Assignments in Biology Teaching (196136)
Miliša, M.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Vegetation of Croatia (240552)
Essert, S.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
7. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Advanced Chemistry Laboratory (208617)
Kekez, I.
- | 60
| 7 | INFO |
3.0 |
Biogeography (208616)
Previšić, A.; Šoštarić, R.
- | 30
| 7 | INFO |
5.0 |
Didactics (231286)
Tot, D.
- | 60
| 7 | INFO |
7.0 |
Human Physiology (208619)
Benković, V.; Đikić, D.
- | 75
| 7 | INFO |
5.0 |
Plant Physiology (208615)
Radić Brkanac, S.
- | 60
| 7 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti kemija, 7. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Environmental Chemistry (213044)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 7 | INFO |
3.0 |
History and Philosophy of Chemistry (213045)
Stilinović, V.
- | 30
| 7 | INFO |
3.0 |
Mineralogy (212476)
Schneider, P.
- | 45
| 7 | INFO |
4.0 |
Modern Biochemical Research and its Applications (213049)
Maršavelski, A.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Practical Analytical Chemistry (213046)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Systems (213048)
Požar, J.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
8. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Basic Skills of Teaching Biology (208624)
Radanović, I.; Sertić Perić, M.
- | 30
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Field Course in Botany and Vertebrates (208626)
Liber, Z.; Mustafić, P.
- | 120
| 8 | INFO |
5.0 |
Laboratory Teaching Methods in Chemistry 1 (208621)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
3.0 |
Physical Education (208625)
Erhardt, J.
- | 30
| 8 | INFO |
6.0 |
Teaching Methods in Chemistry 1 (208620)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti biologija i/ili kemija, 8. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Additional Chapters in Microbiology (208677)
Černi, S.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Algae and Student Projects (208674)
Gligora Udovič, M.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Croatian Flora (208673)
Nikolić, T.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Entomology in Teaching Biology (208679)
Kučinić, M.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals in Chemistry of Natural Organic Compounds (213052)
Škalamera, Đ.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry and Colid State Chemistry (213410)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Physical Organic Chemistry (213051)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Horticulture and School Gardens (208672)
Šoštarić, R.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Immunity, Deseases and Global Health (208678)
Benković, V.; Đikić, D.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Integrated Chemistry 1 (208693)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Malacology and Astacology in Biology Teaching (208676)
Maguire, I.; Lajtner, J.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Marine Biology in Biology Teaching (208675)
Bakran-Petricioli, T.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Metal-organic Compounds and Their Application in Catalysis (240887)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Rates and Equilibria of Chemical Reactions (213047)
Požar, J.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Workshops in Cell Biology and Genetics (208680)
Urlić, I.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
9. semester, 5. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Laboratory Teaching Methods in Chemistry 2 (210184)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
7.0 | Master's Thesis with Seminar (227701) | - | 30
| 9 | INFO |
5.0 |
Teaching Methods in Biology (210180)
Radanović, I.; Sertić Perić, M.
- | 75
| 9 | INFO |
6.0 |
Teaching Methods in Chemistry 2 (210183)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
3.0 |
Teaching Methods in Nature Classes (227664)
Kekez, I.; Planinić, M.; Radanović, I.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses
=> IPDBiK - Izborni predmeti biologija i/ili kemija i/ili nastava, 9. semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Applied Ecotoxicology in Teaching (227686)
Štambuk, A.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Connecting Biological Content Knowledge (269823)
Radanović, I.; Sertić Perić, M.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Environment and Health (227688)
Lisičić, D.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Experimental Plant Physiology in Teaching (227687)
Vidaković-Cifrek, Ž.; Tkalec, M.; Radić Brkanac, S.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Experiments in Animal Biology (227689)
Lisičić, D.; Galov, A.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Integrated Chemistry 2 (227692)
Stilinović, V.; Biljan, I.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Modern Biochemical Research and its Applications (213049)
Maršavelski, A.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Plants in the Phytotherapy (227683)
Rusak, G.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Practical Analytical Chemistry (213046)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Practical Work in Teaching Botany (227684)
Liber, Z.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
3.0 |
Prevention of Abuse and Risky Behavior (227693)
Petričević, E.
- | 30
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Project Management in Biology Education (227690)
Erhardt, J.; Hudina, S.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Research in Ecology for Students (227691)
Ternjej, I.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
School Vivarium (227695)
Ternjej, I.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Systems (213048)
Požar, J.
- | 45
| 7, 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Teaching Biology Outside the Classroom (185747)
Sirovina, D.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Teaching Methods for Students with Special Needs (47306)
Hrvatić, N.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
10. semester, 5. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Field Course in Ecology (210187)
Ternjej, I.; Essert, S.
- | 120
| 10 | INFO |
16.0 | Master's Thesis with Seminar (227702) | - | 90
| 10 | INFO |
6.0 |
Teaching Practice in Biology (210185)
Radanović, I.; Sertić Perić, M.; Sirovina, D.
- | 90
| 10 | INFO |
4.0 |
Teaching Practice in Chemistry (210186)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 10 | INFO |
(*)Course is currently not active
(***)Course is active in other academic year