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Evolution of Animal Organ Systems

Code: 74649
ECTS: 6.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Goran Klobučar
izv. prof. dr. sc. Anamaria Štambuk
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Anamaria Štambuk - Seminar

izv. prof. dr. sc. Anamaria Štambuk - Practicum
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


All teaching activities will be held in Croatian. However, foreign students in mixed groups will have the opportunity to attend additional office hours with the lecturer and teaching assistants in English to help master the course materials. Additionally, the lecturer will refer foreign students to the corresponding literature in English, as well as give them the possibility of taking the associated exams in English.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Practicum 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)

Introduction of basic concepts in zoology, structure and function of tissues, organs and organic systems in animals. Course is providing knowledge and concepts important for understanding morphology, systematics, phylogeny and evolution of animals. Special emphasis is given to comparison of different organic systems and their development in different animal groups. Gained knowledge represent fundamental knowledge that is essential for easier understanding and following other more complex biological courses in their further study.


1. to gain knowledge on the basics of animal kingdom contemporary systematic
2. to understand animals organic system structure and function
3. to understand development of structure, morphology and function of animal organs and organic systems in evolutionary context



1. Basic concepts of anatomy and morphology of animals, Evolution and evolutionary mechanisms, phylogenetic systematic, theories of the origin of Metazoa.
2. Structure and function of animals organs and organic systems and their development, structural and functional evolution of different organic systems. Their role in contemporary systematics of animas. Role of development of organyc systems in metabolism of animals.
3. Evolution of body cavities and embryological layers (primary and secondary body cavity) and their function in animal world, extracelular matrix.
4. Structure, development and comparative anatomy of excretory system in different animal phyla (ultrafiltration and active transport)
5. Structure, development and comparative anatomy of circulatory system in different animal phyla. Role of body cavities in evolution of animal circulatory system.
6. Structure, development and comparative anatomy of respiratory system in different animal phyla. Evolution of respiratory pigments.
7.-8. Structure, development and comparative anatomy of muscle system. Smooth, oblique-striated and cross- striated muscles in different phyla. Changes in the structure of muscle cells due to the way of life and specific ecological conditions. Musculature and skin coevolution (HMS).
9. Structure, development and comparative anatomy of skeletal or support system.
10.-11. Structure, development and comparative anatomy of nervous and sensory system in different animal phyla. Overview of different nervous systems in animals.
12.-13. Structure, development and comparative anatomy of reproductive system in different animal phyla.
14. Structure, development and comparative anatomy of digestive system in different animal phyla. Protostomia and deuterostomia.
15. Hormonal system: hormones, neurohormones and gland hormones, hormonal activity in invertebrates and vertebrates,


Practical work will be held according to course contents (syllabus).
  1. Schmidt-Rhaesa A. (2007) The Evolution of Organ Systems. Oxford University Press
  2. Matoničkin I, Klobučar G, Kučinić M. (2010): Opća zoologija. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
  3. Matoničkin I, Habdija I, Primc-Habdija B (1998): Beskralješnjaci, biologija nižih avertebrata. Školska kniga, Zagreb.
  4. Matoničkin I, Habdija I, Primc-Habdija B (1999): Beskralješnjaci,biologija viših avertebrata. Školska kniga, Zagreb.
  5. Miller SA, Harley JP (2004): Zoology. McGraw-Hill, Boston.
  6. Smith HM, Northcutt G, Romer AS, Nelson G (2000): Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates. Harcourt College Publishers.
  7. Young, J. Z.,(1995): The Life of Vertebrates. Oxford Press.
  8. Kardong, Vertebrates, comparative anatomy function, evolution, third edition, WCB McGraw-Hill
2. semester
Izborni predmeti - Regular module - Zoology
Consultations schedule: