Learning outcomes
1. Understand and attain fundamental knowledge of the issues involved in wildlife management in the conditions of today's accelerated development.
2. Explain the fundamental principles and recognise the basic issues of the influences of activities of man and wildlife populations, and the manner of managing populations.
3. Explain the fundamental principles of managing game species.
4. Recognize certain species of birds and mammals that are managed, and know their fundamental biological and ecological characteristics, and distribution in Croatia and globally.
5. Explain the fundamental principles of managing marine and freshwater fisheries species of commercial significance.
6. Understand and explain the fundamental facts and principles in hunting, fisheries and recreational fishing in the present day social framework.
7. Attain and apply the necessary knowledge of wildlife management in areas under various forms of protection, isolated areas, urban areas and managing captive populations.
8. Understand and analyse the fundamental legal aspects pertaining to the management of wildlife populations in Croatia and in the European Union.
Course content:
1. Introduction and historical overview of the development of wildlife management
2. The need for protection and management of wildlife populations
3. Factors affecting natural populations
4. Fundamental principles of hunting
5. Overview of game species in Croatia
6. Hunting facilities, technical and commercial
7. Biological characteristics of game species in Croatia
8. Fundamental principles of fisheries and the legal aspects in Croatia and the European Union regarding fisheries
9. Wildlife population health
10. Biological and ecological characteristics, social organisation and behaviour of animals
11. Population monitoring methods
12. Managing protected areas, habitat recovery and improving habitat quality, the role of protected areas in protected special interest species
13. Techniques and issues in managing wildlife, managing large predator populations
14. Managing wildlife populations in urban areas
15. Economic aspects in wildlife management
Practical exercises:
1. Determining individual bird species and familiarisation with their basic biological and ecological characteristics
2. Determining individual mammal species and familiarisation with their basic biological and ecological characteristics
As part of the visit to the Črnovščak educational hunting ground of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, the following will be covered:
3. Elements and content of the hunting management plan
4. Hunting management and hunting facilities
5. Damage to game and damage by game
6. Counting and monitoring methods for game populations
7. Invasive species and biological invasions, other conflicts between human influence and wild animals
8. Wildlife health
As part of the visit to the Croatian Hunting Federation Museum, the following will be covered:
9. History of hunting in Croatia
10. Familiarisation with the large collection of individual bird and mammal species that are considered game
11. Hunting dogs
12. Hunting techniques
As part of the visit to the Zoo, the following will be covered:
13. Function and purpose of modern zoos, botanical gardens and aquariums
14. Value of natural resources and biological diversity, issues concerning its conservation and protection
15. Managing endangered species in captivity
- Bolen, E. G. & Robinson, W. L. (2003): Wildlife Ecology and Managment, Pearson Education (5th Edition), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, USA
- Krausman P. R. (2002): Wildlife Management, Prentice Hall , New Jersey, USA 1
- Janicki, Z., Slavica, A., Konjević, K. Severin, K. (2007): Zoologija divljači, Veterinarski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb
- Gibbs, J. P., Hunter, M. J. Jr. & Sterling, E.J. (2008): Problem- Solving in Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK
- Sinclair, A.R.E., Fryxell, J.M. & Caughley, G. (2006): Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and Management, 2nd ed. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK
- Shemnitz D. S. (Ed.) (1980): Wildlife Management Techniques Manual, The Wildlife Society, New Mexico State University , USA
- Darabuš, S. & Jakelić, I. Z. (2002): Osnove lovstva, Hrvatski lovački savez (II izdanje), Zagreb
- Janicki, Z., Slavica, A. & Konjević, D. (2003): Lovstvo i zaštita prirode, Veterinarski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb