Improve River LIFE

  Full name of the project: Improvement of the conservation status of target species and habitats of Natura 2000 through enhancing river connectivity
  Duration: September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2028
  Project value: EUR 4.736.406
  Source of funding: (75%) LIFE program for Nature and Biodiversity and (25%) Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund and project partners
  Project holder: Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
  Project partners: Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb, Croatian Waters, Public Institution Sea and Karst
  Project number: LIFE22-NAT-HR-Improve River LIFE/101114250


The project was conceived and prepared by experts from the Department of Environmental and Nature Protection of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, together with partners from Croatian Waters, the Public Institution Karst and Sea, and the Zagreb Faculty of Science. These four institutions will implement the project, with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development as the lead partner.
The main goal of the project is the conservation and improvement of the softmouth trout population, an endemic species unique to the world, inhabiting only a few watercourses in the Adriatic basin in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. The softmouth trout is currently an endangered species and has already become extinct in some rivers it previously inhabited. The project activities are focused on the restoration of habitats and populations of the softmouth trout in the Jadro and Vrljika rivers, which are among the last remaining habitats of this species. The main focus is on ensuring the longitudinal connectivity of river ecosystems by removing artificial barriers or ensuring their passability for the unimpeded downstream and upstream movement of fish species.
Additionally, the project will create a cadastre of artificial barriers on watercourses in Croatia and identify those with the most significant negative impact on nature, resulting in a list of priority locations for restoration by removal or ensuring passability through various adaptations. The project also plans to transfer the experiences and knowledge gained to colleagues in neighboring countries, particularly Bosnia and Herzegovina, to create additional capacities in the Neretva basin for the conservation of the softmouth trout as an endemic of this area.
The implementation of this project will contribute to the EU Biodiversity Strategy for Croatia and the goal of ensuring at least 25,000 km of rivers are free-flowing again by 2030.