Zagreb, Horvatovac 102a

The Faculty Council of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (hereinafter: the PMF), pursuant to Article 78 of the Faculty Statute, announces a

C A L L   F O R   A P P L I C A T I O N S


for appointment into the teaching position of senior lecturer in natural science, the field of physics, for an indefinite term and on a full-time basis, at the Division of Experimental Physics of the PMF’s Department of Physics - 1 person.



The Call is open to applicants of both sexes on equal terms.


In addition to the general terms and conditions of employment, for all points of the Call the applicants must satisfy the conditions set forth in the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity (Official Gazette No. 119/22).


In addition to their respective applications, the applicants submit: a CV, the relevant diploma, a proof of citizenship.


The applicants must enclose with their application other supporting documents as proof of eligibility according to the terms and conditions of the Call in accordance with Article 10 of the Ordinance on the Appointment into Grades and Positions at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Science, which can be accessed on the PMF website.




In addition to their respective applications, the applicants submit: a photocopy of the decision concerning the appointment into the research grade (if any), proofs of the research, teaching and professional work, the reprints of papers, and a certificate of registration and citation in the relevant databases – Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus, Medline and other databases relevant for specific science fields. The applicants must also enclose a Declaration of Originality for their published academic output, confirming that all the papers and achievements they refer to are the original results of their work and that they do not contain any sources other than the ones mentioned and acknowledged therein. The appropriate form can be downloaded from the PMF website:


Furthermore, the applicants must also submit evidence to prove that they meet the individual general and special terms and conditions according to the Decision on the essential terms and conditions for assessment of teaching and professional activities within the framework of appointment into the teaching grades (Official Gazette Nos 13/12, 120/21).



Foreign nationals must submit a Croatian language certificate.


The applicants who qualify for employment preference under the special regulations must invoke the preference in their application and provide all evidence as listed in the special regulations governing the priority placement rights. Such applicants will be given employment preference within this Call over other candidates, under the same conditions as set forth in the Call, based on a duly completed and timely application, provided they meet all the terms and conditions of the Call. (


An application shall be deemed duly completed if it contains all the data and supporting documents in keeping with the Call requirements.


Incomplete and late applications shall not be taken into consideration.


The PMF collects and processes the personal data of the applicants taking part in the Call for Applications for positions with the aim of verifiying qualifications and eligibility in accordance with the Decision on the Collection, Protection and Processing of Personal Data (CLASSIFICATION No.035-01/18-01; FILE No:251-58-10201-18-2).


The closing date for submission of applications is 30 days after the publication of the Call in the Official Gazette.


The applications and the evidence of eligibility according to the terms and conditions of the Call are to be delivered by mail or personally to the following address: Faculty of Science, Dean’s Office (HR Office), Zagreb, Horvatovac 102a.


The results of the Call will be published on the PMF website: (Competitions).

Author: Marijana Šurina
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