About employee

dr. sc. Jasmina Jukić

Title: Expert
Location: 220
Public phone number:+385 1 4606 149
Internal phone number:6149
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of Physical Chemistry
Graduation year:2011
PhD graduation year:2017
Employed in this institution since:2011


integrated undergraduate and graduate


Education at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Bachelor degree thesis (Chemistry, 2009), Diploma thesis (Chemistry, 2011)

Affiliation and current position: Division of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Assistant (2011- )

Visits to foreign research and education institutions: COST Actions MP1106 and CM1101 Joint Training School on Particles at liquid interfaces: fundamentals and applications, Bonassola, Italy (2014)

Research interest: physical chemistry of interfaces, colloid and nano particles, physical chemistry of polyelectrolytes. Experimental methods: potentiometry, conductometry, electrophoretic light scattering, dynamic light scattering, UV-Vis spectrometry.

Scientific papers: co-author of 6 scientific paper

Awards and recognitions and memberships: Medal of the Department of Chemistry in recognition of excellence in the study for 2010/2011 academic year, Special Rector Award for students of Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb for the project „Magic in Science“ for 2010/2011 academic year. Member of the Croatian Chemical Society.

Participation in research projects: Ministry of Science, Republic of Croatia: "Physical chemistry of Colloids and interfaces" (2007-2013)

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)

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