Nature of light, reflection and refraction of light, index of refraction, optically isotropic and anisotropic crystals, birefringence, optical indicatrix, polarisation of light, polarisation microscope, thin sections. Orthoscopic examinations without analyser: index of refraction, relief, Becke line, pseudoabsorption, colour, pleochroism. Orthoscopic examinations with analyser: extinction (parallel, symmetrical, inclined), interference colours, determination of vibration direction of polariser, accessory plates, determination of vibration directions for slow and fast wave, sign of elongation. Conoscopic examinations: interference figures for uniaxial and biaxial crystals, optic sign, determination of optic angle, optic axes angle dispersion. Optical properties of isotropic minerals: spinel, garnet, leucite. Optical properties of uniaxial anisotropic minerals: quartz, calcite, turmaline. Optical properties of biaxial anisotropic minerals: olivine and serpentine. Optical properties of biaxial anisotropic minerals: ortho- and clinopiroxene. Optical properties of biaxial anisotropic minerals: amphibole (tremolite-actinolite series, hornblende, glaucophane). Optical properties of biaxial anisotropic minerals: mica (muscovite and biotite). Optical properties of biaxial anisotropic minerals: alkali feldspar (sanidine, orthoclase, microcline). Optical properties of biaxial anisotropic minerals: plagioclase. Optical properties of biaxial anisotropic minerals: chlorite, epidote. Optical properties of biaxial anisotropic minerals: gypsum and anhydrite. Optical properties of opaque minerals.