At present the only comprehensive approach to the structure of nuclei is provided by the energy density functional (EDF) framework. Nuclear EDFs present the most complete and accurate description of ground-state properties and collective excitations over the whole nuclide chart, from relatively light systems to superheavy nuclei, and from the valley of stability to the nucleon drip lines [5]. In practical implementations the nuclear EDF framework is analogous to Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT), the most widely used method for electronic structure calculations in condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry. The advantages of using EDFs in the description of structure phenomena are evident already at the basic level of implementation - the self-consistent mean-field method: an intuitive interpretation of mean-field results in terms of intrinsic shapes and single-particle states, calculations are performed in the full model space of occupied states (no distinction between core and valence nucleons, no need for effective charges), and the universality of EDFs that enables their applications to all nuclei throughout the periodic chart. Nuclear EDFs effectively map the many-body problem onto a one-body problem, and the exact EDF is approximated by functionals of powers and gradients of ground-state nucleon densities and currents, representing distributions of matter, spins, momentum and kinetic energy. An important objective is the development of a series (ladder) of accurate and controlled approximation for the exchange-correlation terms of the energy density functional. The principal objectives of the course are i) the introduction of basic concepts and methods of the nuclear many-body problem with an emphasis on the density functional theory, ii) the introduction of the most recent developments in the field of the nuclear many-body problem, iii) development of the computational skills, iv) development of the communication skills necessary to present research results to the scientific community.
Course content:
1) Basic methods of the nuclear many-body problem: second quantization, Hartree-Fock approximation, pairing correlations, BCS and Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov models, random phase approximation, restoration of broken symmetries;
2) Nuclear energy density functional theory: effective interactions, realistic nuclear potentials, effective pseudopotentials, non-empirical nuclear energy density functionals;
3) Application: structure of atomic nucleus (ground state, collective excitations, restoration of broken symmetries), available computer codes and their application in realistic calculations;
- J.-P. Blaizot, G. Ripka, Quantum Theory of Finite Sytems, The MIT Press (1985).
- A. L. Fetter and J.D. Walecka, Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems, Dover (2003).
- Peter Ring, Peter Schuck, The Nuclear Many-Body Problem, Springer (2005).
- odabrani orginalni znanstveni radovi.