Seminar for Unitary Representations...

On Monday, January 13, 2025, 16:00 hours, David Schwein (University of Bonn) will hold lecture as part of Seminar for Unitary Representations and Automorphic Forms titled:

New supercuspidal representations from the Weil representation in characteristic two

Abstract: Residue characteristic two presents many additional difficulties in the construction of supercuspidal representations, and even for classical groups, our knowledge is incomplete. In this talk, based on joint work with Jessica Fintzen, I'll explain how to overcome one such difficulty: the exceptional behavior of the Heisenberg group and Weil representation in characteristic two. Time permitting, I'll discuss how to overcome a second difficulty: disconnectedness of Lie algebra centralizers.

Lecture will be held via Zoom application:

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Author: Božidar Tartaro
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