Pure substances, mixture, chemical and physical properties (extensive and intensive property), the mass laws. Physical states, phase, physical and chemical changes, number and amount of substance, Avogadro's constant. Expressing the chemical composition of phase. The chemical reactions: stoichiometric numbers (coefficients), the classes of chemical reactions, extent of reaction. Elemental substances, atomic structure, electron (Thomson?s and Millikan?s experiment), nucleus (Rutherford?s experiment, Moseley?s law), nucleons, isotopes, definition of chemical element. Atomic emission spectra, the Bohr model of atom, electron diffraction, diffraction of X-rays, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The quantum-mechanical model: wave function, electron?s orbit, orbital, electron configuration, the Pauli exclusion principle, Hund?s rule. Chemical periodicity (atomic size, ionization energy, electron affinity, Mendeleev?s Periodic table, Aufbau principle. Chemical bonding, ionic and covalent bonding, ? and ?- bonds, conjugated molecules, delocalization, bond polarity, electronegativity, Lewis structures, VSEPR. Intermolecular forces, dipole-dipole, dipole-induced dipole and dispersion (London) forces. Gases: the ideal gas laws for pure gases and mixtures, real gases, critical state. Liquid state: physical properties (viscosity, surface tension) Solid state: structural features of solids, crystalline solids, (metallic, ionic, molecular). Amorphous solids, allotropy, polymorphy, isomorphy. The properties of solutions. Thermodynamics: work and heat, spontaneous processes, the first law of thermodynamic, internal energy, enthalpy, Hess?s law. Phase transitions, phase. The rate of a reaction. Chemical equilibrium, transition enthalpy, equilibrium constant, le Chatelier's principle. Electrochemical cells, reduction and oxidation process.
LEARNING OUCOMES: After completion of this course, the successful student will be able to:
1. Solve quantitative problems (stoichiometric) involving chemical formulas and equations, solutions, gases.
2. Describe and explain the major features of the subatomic composition of atoms, isotopes, and ions and their relationship to atomic number, mass number, average atomic mass and charge.
3. Explain periodicity of atomic size, ionization energy and electron affinity.
4. Describe and explain structural features of elements and their compounds.
5. Distinguish the major types of chemical reaction and the main characteristics associated with them.
6. Explain characteristics of ionic and covalent bonding.
7. Describe and explain intermolecular interactions.
8. Describe the characteristics of the different states of matter.
9. Determine the qualitative and quantitative relationships between matter and energy involved in chemical or physical processes.
10. Explain meaning of dynamic equilibrium, and Le Chatelier's principle as applied in chemical reactions.
- 1. M. S. Silberberg, Chemistry, 2. izd., McGraw-Hill, NewYork, 2000.
2. R. Chang, Chemistry, 6. izd., McGraw-Hill, NewYork, 2000.
2. Filipović, S. Lipanović, Opća i anorganska kemija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997.
3. M. Sikirica, Stehiometrija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1987.