Student will be able to recognize abuse, bullying, as well as risk behaviors, emotional crises and posttraumatic reactions in students; and will know basics of working students exibiting such symptoms and behaviors in classroom. They will understand the role and possibilities of the teacher- and school-based prevention of abuse and risk behaviors of students.
1. Introduction to course: the role of prevention in development of normal personality
2. The role of stressors and trauma, types of traumas and consequences
3. Legal aspects of child and juvenile protection
4. Neglect and emotional abuse
5. Physical abuse
6. Sexual abuse
7. Maltreatment between teachers and students
8. Bullying
9. Conflicts and their resolution by peer mediation
10. Juvenile delinquency
11. Depression, suicidal tendencies and other psychological disturbances
12. Addictions
13. The role of school and teachers in prevention of risk behaviors
14. Cooperation between teachers and parents, police and community in risk behavior prevention