Division of Applied Mathematics

The Division of Applied Mathematics has a rich history of teaching and research
whose beginnings are related to the establishment of the Theoretical Physics Seminar
at the Faculty of Philosophy in 1920, which was renamed as
Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics Seminar in 1939.

After the founding of the Faculty of Science in 1946,
the Institute of Theoretical Physics and the Institute of Applied Mathematics were formed.
At the Institute of Applied Mathematics, which in 1959 became the Department of Applied Mathematics,
new research and teaching areas are opening up with a special focus on fluid mechanics,
topology and functional analysis. First head of the Department was Dr. Ž. Marković, and the members
were Dr. Z. Janković, Dr. S. Mardesić, Dr. S. Kurepa and Dr. I. Aganović.
Modern scientific work in the applied mathematics begins in the 1970s,
when nowdays Seminar for Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis was founded.
The Department's research areas have been expanded significantly, resulting in original scientific contributions
in the field of partial differential equations, lower-dimensional approximations in continuum mechanics,
singular perturbation and mathematical models of fluid flow through porous media.
At the same time, interest in numerical analysis is growing and developing.

The research work at the Department today includes mathematical and numerical analysis and numerical simulations
of mathematical models in various fields of physics, chemistry and biology. Specific research topics
include microlocal analysis and homogenization, singular perturbation and lower-dimensional
approximation, analysis of mathematical models in fluid mechanics and elasticity theory,
analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations, optimal design, fluid interaction
with elastic structures and numerical methods for partial differential equations.

Members of the Department of Applied Mathematics  teach a number of general mathematical
courses and  provide courses related to the applied mathematics at graduate and doctoral levels, such as
Partial Differential Equations, Fluid Mechanics, Elasticity Theory, Optimization,
Numerical solution of partial differential equations, Mathematical modeling and
Nonlinear analysis.

Members of the Department of Applied Mathematics publish scientific papers in leading international
scientific journals, regularly participate in important international scientific conferences and
manage competitive scientific-research projects.

Division of Applied Mathematics

Full Professor

prof. dr. sc. Nenad Antonić

  Email   218   5735

prof. dr. sc. Mladen Jurak

  Email   220   5738

prof. dr. sc. Eduard Marušić-Paloka

  Email     5868

prof. dr. sc. Igor Pažanin

  Email   219   5737

prof. dr. sc. Josip Tambača

  Email   312   01 4605790

Full Professor

prof. dr. sc. Boris Muha

  Email   A307   5898

prof. dr. sc. Marko Vrdoljak

  Email   218   5736

Associate Professor

izv. prof. dr. sc. Marko Erceg

  Email   221   01 460 5739

Assistant Professor

doc. dr. sc. Petar Kunštek

  Email   103   5880

doc. dr. sc. Matko Ljulj

  Email   312   5791

doc. dr. sc. Marko Radulović

  Email   207   5836

Senior research assistant

dr. sc. Borja Rukavina

  Email   208   5731


dr. sc. Matko Grbac

  Email   217   5736

Tomislav Perić, mag. math.

  Email   213   5730

Luka Tolj, mag. math.

  Email   103   5880

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