Research group linkage project “Interplay of structure, spin, and orbital order in perovskite cuprates and titanates” is approved for financing by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and starts on January 1st 2020. The project aims to strengthen and extend the collaboration between the Department of Physics at Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (PMF) and the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research in Dresden (IFW). We shall investigate perovskite-based cuprates and titanates using a broad combination of experimental methods available at our institutions. Our main interest is tuning of materials properties by small structural changes induced by pressure and/or by doping. Three PhD students are included in the project (two from PMF and one from IFW), and they will carry parts of their investigations in partner institution. Last, but not least, within the project we plan to organize a workshop on magnetic resonance methods in strongly correlated electronic systems in Dresden, in 2021.