Cultural Landscapes and Spatial Identity
TITLE OF COURSE: Research Methodology 3
NAME OF COURSE/MODULE TEACHER | Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš; Vuk Tvrtko Opačić; Laura Šakaja; Lana Slavuj Borčić |
Landscape semiotics and symbolism
Tangible signs of the process of re-examining history and the application of new heritage policies in the public spaces of a transitional city. Example of Zagreb; researching the roles of monuments and street names in the post-Socialist identity building. Research methodology: analysis of discourse, quantitative analysis of data, with the application of cartographic methods, and interpretive methods.
Mental maps and imaginative geography
Preconceptions about the configuration and structure of space. Opinions on space, spatial preferences, identification and evaluation. Spatial stereotypes. Research methodology: survey questionnaires, statistical analysis, GIS analysis, interpretive analysis.
Spatial expressions of ethnic and religious identities
The role of spatial determinants in religious and ethnic relationships (examples: case studies of Banovina, Međimurje). Degrees of associations of social distance with physical distance. Research methodology: qualitative research (interviews), analysis of social distance using the Boradus scale; quantitative methods, interpretive methods.
Regions: spatial perceptions and identities
Vernacular and formal elements of the notion of regions, conceptualising traditional regions, issues of spatial or regional identity, the identify of a region. Research methodology: analysis of the significance and symbolism of geographic names on historical maps. Qualitative and quantitative analysis (surveys and interviews), cartographic and GIS analysis.
Croatian border areas; cultural landscapes and identities of multicultural areas
Border areas are areas characterised by multiple contacts (of cultures, religious systems, complex ethnic structures and imperial systems), that produce multiple perceptions and images. Research methodology: researching past images of the world through maps of special significance in multicultural areas. Through a series of examples – the study of Croatian border areas, symbolic map layers are revealed that lead us into the process of creating the image of the past, and unveiling the wealth of perceptions in the multicultural realities of the Croatian border areas.
Natural and cultural heritage as part of the real/potential basis for tourism attraction
Identification and systematisation of the elements of natural and cultural heritage as tourism attractions. The hierarchy of heritage elements with regard to their real/potential significance in tourism validation. Examples from Croatia. Research methods: identification and systematisation (representation of heritage elements in heritage registers, perceptions of the importance of heritage elements by the local population, perceptions of the tourism attractiveness of heritage by tourists), statistical analyses, indirect survey methods, in-depth interview methods, visualisation of spatial data using thematic imaging cartography.
Tourism and recreational evaluation of natural and cultural heritage
Representation of heritage elements in the tourism offer. Models of integrating heritage elements into the tourism offer. Spatial implications of tourism and recreational validation of heritage elements. Case studies; tourism validation of speleological structures in Croatia, lighthouses as part of Croatia’s tourism offer, tourism-recreation validation of Medvednica Nature Park. Research methods: statistical analysis, direct survey method, in-depth interview method, visualisation of spatial data using thematic imagine cartography.
Bočić, N., Lukić, A., Opačić V. T., 2006: Management models and development of show caves as tourist destinations in Croatia. Acta Carsologica, vol. 35, br. 2, 13-21. doi: 10.3986/ac.v35i2-3.224
Fuerst-Bjeliš, B., 2012: Imaging the Past: Cartography and Multicultural Realities of Croatian Borderlands. Cartography - A Tool for Spatial Analysis, Carlos Bateira (ur.), InTech
Opačić, V. T., 2017: Modeli turističkog vrednovanja kulturnog naslijeđa. U: Zbornik radova Znanstvenog kolokvija; Modeli revitalizacije i unaprjeđenja kulturnog naslijeđa; multidisciplinarni dijalog;, (ur. M. Obad Šćitaroci), Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 28-32.
Opačić, V. T., Curić, D., Jandras, M., Kutle, K., Marijan, N., Mirt, I., Perković, D., Vodanović, I., 2014: Zaštićena područja kao rekreacijske zone grada; primjer Parka prirode Medvednica. Hrvatski geografski glasnik, vol. 76, br. 1, 61-87. doi: 10.21861/HGG.2014.76.01.04
Slavuj Borčić L., Cvitanović M., Lukić A., 2016: Cultivating Alternative Spaces; Zagreb's Community Gardens in Transition: From Socialist to Post-socialist Perspective. Geoforum 77, 60 - 78.
Stanić, J., Šakaja, L., Slavuj, L., 2009: Preimenovanja zagrebačkih ulica i trgova. Migracijske i etničke teme 25 (1-2), 89-124.
Šakaja, L., 2015: Uvod u kulturnu geografiju. Laykam international, Zagreb.
Šakaja, L., Stanić, J. 2017: The Spatial Codification of Values in Zagreb's City-Text. U: The Political Life of Urban Streetscapes: Naming, Politics, and Place, Rose-Redwood, Reuben ; Alderman, Derek ; Azaryahu, Maoz (ur.). New York: Routledge, 2017. str. 150-167.
Vukosav, B., Fuerst-Bjeliš, B., 2016: Labels of Interest Groups as Indicators of a Vernacular Region: A Case Study in Croatia. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. 107, 4; 454-467
Vukosav, B.; Fuerst-Bjeliš, B., 2015: Medijska percepcija prostornih identiteta: konstrukcija imaginativne karte dalmatinske unutrašnjosti. Geoadria. 20, 1; 23-40
Lectures and consultations. Each course teacher shall deliver 2-4 lectures, depending on the representation of the theme and methodology.
Regular attendance at lectures. Giving form to the methodological framework of his/her own research. Fulfilment of obligations shall be confirmed by the course teachers by their signatures in the student’s record book (Index).
The mechanisms of institutional monitoring of teaching quality (the Regulations on Doctoral Study of the University of Zagreb, Form DR.SC. -04, DR.SC. -09).
ECTS: The ECTS system shall not be applied.