Population Studies

TITLE OF COURSE: Research Methodology 8

NAME OF COURSE/MODULE TEACHER Ksenija BašićDubravka SpevecLuka ValožićRužica VukIvan Zupanc 



Demogeographic analysis

Spatial positioning, natural movements, structure and composition of the population, trends of demographic development of Croatia. Identification and evaluation of demogeographic resources and potential of settlements, municipalities, cities and counties of Croatia. Analysis of spatial characteristics of natality in Croatia at different spatial levels. Role of natural movements and migration in reducing the population of Zagreb. Polarisation of population development of settlements in the Zagreb surroundings. Research methodology: selection and processing of data collected from statistical and other secondary sources, descriptive statistics methods, empirical research (surveys, interviews), graphical methods, cartographic methods, analysis and visualisation of spatial data in the program ArcGIS.

Demogeographic research of problem areas

Analysis of the characteristics and spatial distribution of the population in problem areas. Specific applications: spatial planning and demo(geo)graphic analysis for other applications, i.e. uses, primarily at the regional and local spatial research levels. Research methodology: selection and collection of data for demogeographic research, selection of demogeographic indicators, descriptive statistics methods, graphical methods, cartographic methods.

Demographic processes, geography curriculum and planning education functions (school networks)

Impacts of population aging and depopulation on planning the school network. Properties of schools and enrolment districts as an indicator of success for study programmes in geography. Research methodology: research at the national and regional levels; surveying, structured and non-structured interviews, indirect observation, qualitative analysis of content, case studies, focus groups, spatial analysis, cartographic methods, parametric and non-parametric statistical methods, visualisation in the program ArcGIS.



Asche, H., Toskić, A., Spevec, D., Engemaier, R., 2010: The Demographic Atlas of Croatia – A Webbased Atlas Information System. U: Gartner G., Ortag F. (eds.) „Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe“, Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer.

Bašić, K., 2005: Depopulacija u gradskoj regiji Zagreba. "Stanovništvo Hrvatske – dosadašnji razvoj i perspektive" (zbornik radova): 197-209.

Bašić, K., 2005: Polarizacija populacijskog razvoja Zagrebačke gradske regije. Problemi regionalnog razvoja Hrvatske i susjednih zemalja (zbornik radova): 229-236.

Bašić, K., Nejašmić, I., Toskić, A., 2008: Prostorne značajke nataliteta u Hrvatskoj. Hrvatski geografski glasnik 70(2): 91-112.

Curić, Z., Vuk, R., 2013: Metodika geografije u sustavu odgoja i obrazovanja. U: Metodike u suvremenom odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu (ur. Milanović, D., Bežen, A., Domović. V.), Akademija odgojno-obrazovnih znanosti Hrvatske, Zagreb, 165-195.

Klempić Bogadi, S., Spevec, D., 2014: Demographic reality, perspective and challenges in Croatian hilly-mountain areas – case study Gorski kotar. Proceedings of International Scientific Symposium: Hilly Mountain Areas - Problems and Perspectives, Macedonian Geographical Society, Skopje, 109-115.

Krmac, D.; Zupanc, I., 2012: La popolazione dell’Istria nel censimento del 1857 a livello comunale, u: Prvi moderni popis stanovništva u Istri / Il primo censimento demografico moderno in Istria / Prvi moderni popis prebivalstva Istri: Prispevki s Študijskega dneva / Relazioni della Giornata di studio, Pula - Pola, 31 – 10 – 2007 (ur. Kalc, Aleksej), Histria Editiones; Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Koper/Capodistria, 145-162.

Spevec, D., 2011: Prostorne značajke demografskih resursa i potencijala Krapinsko-zagorske, Varaždinske i Međimurske županije. Hrvatsko geografsko društvo, Zagreb.

Valožić, L., Radeljak, P., Grbac Žiković, R., 2012: Prostorna analiza upisnih područja osnovnih škola u Gradu Zagrebu, Hrvatski geografski glasnik, 74 (2), 27-51.

Valožić, L., 2014: Klasifikacija zemljišnog pokrova urbanog i periurbanog prostora pomoću objektno orijentirane   analize multispektralnih snimaka, Hrvatski geografski glasnik, 76 (2), 27-38.

Vuk, R., Vranković, B., 2016: Utjecaj demografskih procesa na organizaciju primarnoga obrazovanja u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Školski vjesnik - časopis za pedagoška i školska pitanja 65, 287-300.

Vuk, R., Vranković, B., Orešić, D., 2015: Geografija na državnoj maturi (2010. – 2012.) – analize i preporuke. Nacionalni centar za vanjsko vrednovanje obrazovanja, Zagreb.

Vranković, Biljana, Vuk, Ružica, Curić, Zoran: Trends in Evaluation of Geographic Knowledge and Skills in the Republic of Croatia, Proceedings International Scientific Symposium NEW TRENDS IN GEOGRAPHY, October 3 - 4, 2019, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia, 423-433.

Vranković, B., Vuk, R., Tretinjak, I., 2018: Ispitivanje viših kognitivnih razina u ispitima državne mature u Republici Hrvatskoj ‒ primjer ispita iz Geografije. Zbornik radova sa 2. međunarodne znanstveno- stručne konferencije „Ka novim iskoracima u odgoju i obrazovanju“ (ur. Dedić Bukvić, E., Bjelan - Guska, S.), Filozofski fakultet univerziteta u Sarajevu, Odsjek za pedagogiju, Sarajevo, 467-485.

Zupanc, I., 2001: Demografska kretanja sjeverne hrvatske Istre od 1857. do 1991. godine. Annales 11 (2/26), 321-342.

Zupanc, I., 2004: Demogeografski razvoj Istre od 1945. do 2001. Hrvatski geografski glasnik 66 (1), 67-102.

Zupanc, I., 2013: Razvoj naseljenosti na području Općine Vrsar (ur. Milotić, I.), Turistička zajednica Općine Vrsar, Vrsar, 503-566.

Zupanc, I., Opačić, V. T., Nejašmić, I., 2001: Utjecaj turizma na demografska kretanja hrvatskih otoka. Acta Geographica Croatica 35, 133-147.


Lectures and consultations. Each course teacher shall deliver 2-4 lectures, depending on the representation of the theme and methodology.

Regular attendance at lectures. Giving form to the methodological framework of his/her own research. Fulfilment of obligations shall be confirmed by the course teachers by their signatures in the student’s record book (Index)

The mechanisms of institutional monitoring of teaching quality (the Regulations on Doctoral Study of the University of Zagreb, Form DR.SC. -04, DR.SC. -09).

ECTS: The ECTS system shall not be applied.