Urban and Rural Studies
TITLE OF COURSE: Research Methodology 6
NAME OF COURSE/MODULE TEACHER | Ksenija Bašić; Martina Jakovčić; Vedran Prelogović; Lana Slavuj Borčić; Dubravka Spevec; Laura Šakaja |
Spatial structure of the city
Changes in the spatial structure of Croatian cities. Processes in cities in developed and post-Socialist countries (socio-spatial polarization, social exclusion, gentrification, rezoning of brownfield areas in cities, etc.). Sustainable transport in cities. Location and function of shopping centres. Demographic dynamics and structural changes of the population. Residential and socio-economic segregation in Croatian cities. New tendencies of residential living. Research methodology: use of literature, processing data from statistical and other sources, mathematical and statistical methods (factor analysis, cluster analysis, etc.), graphical methods, cartographic analysis.
Population and workplaces as indicators of the development phases of city regions. Population dynamics in the element of city regions. Levels of urban transformation and tendencies of population development of settlements. Research methodology: use of literature, processing statistical data, descriptive statistics methods, graphical methods, cartographic analysis.
City regions
Process analysis: suburbanisation, satellite-formation, daily migration, central functions in surrounding settlements, etc. Research methodology: mathematical and statistical methods (multivariate analysis – factor, cluster analysis), field studies, mapping and surveying, processing and analysing statistical data, cartographic analysis.
Quality of life in the city and the surroundings
Spatial differences in the quality of life in Croatian cities and their surroundings. Positive and negative aspects of the quality of life in the city and its environs. Research methodology: mathematical and statistical methods (multivariate analysis – factor, cluster analysis), analysis of statistical data, surveys.
Cultural infrastructure of the city
Spatial organisation of cultural activities. Regional differences in the development of cultural infrastructure. Gravitation and spatial conditions of the development of individual activities – museums, theatres, libraries, cinema, journalism. Research methodology: statistical data and official data of public institutions, GIS analysis, quantitative methods (rank index, least squares method, population threshold calculations for service activities).
Daily environment of children and adolescents
Perceptions and evaluations of the daily environment as seen by children and adolescents. Space as an important element of socialisation. Areas of daily movement, play, discomfort, fear and satisfaction of children and youth. The purpose of the research is to strengthen local initiatives and apply the “bottom up” and “grassroots” strategies in the planning process. Research methodology: apply surveying research (with open-ended questions) and focus group research.
Urban agriculture
Urban gardens. Advantages and disadvantages of urban gardening. Influence of urban gardens on the quality of city life. Alternative food supply chains. Research methodology: interviews, surveys, mapping, GIS analysis.
Bašić, K., 1994: Socijalna topografija Zagreba-dihotomija grada i suburbija. Sociologija sela 32,27-42
Bašić, K., 2005: Apsolutna decentralizacija u populacijskom razvoju Zagrebačke aglomeracije. Hrvatski geografski glasnik 67 (1), 63-80
Bašić, K., 2005: Stupanj urbanizacije i diferencirani populacijski razvoj naselja zagrebačke okolice. Zbornik radova III. hrvatskog geografskog kongresa, 324-334
Franz, Y., Jakovčić, M., Buzjak, N., 2015: Creating New Urban Quarters from Underutilised Industrial and Infrastructural Sites: Vienna and Zagreb in Focus // Die Stadt der Zukunft. Aktuelle Trends und zukünftige Herausforderungen / Fritz, J., Tomaschek, N. (ur.). Münster : Waxmann, Str. 121-136.
Jakovčić, M., Kajinić, J., Gašparović, S., 2013: Prenamjena vojnih brownfield lokaliteta : primjer prenamjene vojarne Karlo Rojc u Puli. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series Historia et Sociologia. 23, 2; 487-500
Jakovčić, M., Spevec, D., 2004: Trgovački centri u Zagrebu. Hrvatski geografski glasnik 66 (1),47-65
Jakovčić, M., Spevec, D., Kliček, S.,; Simov S., 2015: Zagreb's Borongaj Campus: An Urban Challenge or a New Approach for a Better City // Projects for an Inclusive City: Social Integration through Urban Growth Strategies / Marina, O., Armando A. (ur.). Skopje : City of Skopje, Str. 236-252.
Prelogović, V., 2004: The Socio-spatial Structure of a City: the Example of Zagreb. Hrvatski geografski glasnik 66 (1), 29-46.
Prelogović, V., Pintarić, T., Njegač, D., 2016: Spatial Planning and Transformation in the Spatial Structure of Zagreb. Dela 46, 143-162.
Slavuj Borčić, L., Cvitanović, M., Lukić, A., 2015: Zeleni prostori, voljeni prostori; stari i novi zagrebački urbani vrtovi u očima vrtlara. U: Vrtovi našega grada: studije i zapisi o praksama urbanog vrtlarenja (ur. Rubić i Gulin Zrnić). Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku; Hrvatsko etnološko društvo; Participacija: Zagreb, 60 - 78.
Slavuj Borčić, L., Šakaja, L., 2017: Kvaliteta života kao predmet geografskih istraživanja: osvrt na razvoj interesa i teorijskih modela istraživanja. Hrvatski geografski glasnik 79 (1), 5-31.
Slavuj, L., 2011: Urban quality of life; case study: the City of Rijeka. Hrvatski geografski glasnik 73 (1), 99-110.
Slavuj, L., 2012: Prilog razumijevanju složenih faktora koji utječu na svakodnevnu kvalitetu života u susjedstvima Grada Rijeke. U: Akteri društvenih promjena u prostoru: transformacija prostora i kvalitete života u Hrvatskoj (Ur. Svirčić Gotovac, A. i Zlatar, J.), Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Zagreb.
Spevec, D., Klempić Bogadi, S., 2009: Croatian Cities under Transformation: New Tendencies in Housing and Segregation. TESG – Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 100(4),454-468
Šakaja, L., 1999: Kultura i prostor: Prostorna organizacija kulturnih djelatnosti. Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Zagreb
Lectures and consultations. Each course teacher shall deliver 2-4 lectures, depending on the representation of the theme and methodology.
Regular attendance at lectures. Giving form to the methodological framework of his/her own research. Fulfilment of obligations shall be confirmed by the course teachers by their signatures in the student’s record book (Index).
The mechanisms of institutional monitoring of teaching quality (the Regulations on Doctoral Study of the University of Zagreb, Form DR.SC. -04, DR.SC. -09).
ECTS: The ECTS system shall not be applied.
TITLE OF COURSE: Research Methodology 7
NAME OF COURSE/MODULE TEACHER | Aleksandar Lukić; Dražen Njegač; Vuk Tvrtko Opačić; Petra Radeljak Kaufmann |
Theoretical approaches and typologies of rurality
Discourse and approaches to rurality. Implications of the selection of theoretical approaches to rurality on research procedures (examples: functional, political, economic and social constructs of rurality). Examples of developing the typologies of rural and urban settlements of Croatia. Methods: aggregate and disaggregate approaches to creating typologies of space. Selection of variables. Multivariate analysis (factor and cluster analysis in developing spatial typologies). GIS in developing spatial typologies.
Rural space: transformation, development and planning of areas outside of cities
Research includes general characteristics of rural areas (discourse, definitions, models and isolation criteria), functions of rural areas, factors of transforming rural areas in conditions of modernisation and global processes, population of rural areas, restructuring inhabitations, changes in the rural economy, environment and landscape, functional organisation of rural areas and their role in regional development, typisation of rural areas, planning sustainable development of rural areas. The research is based on cadastral, cartographic and statistical sources, supplemented with results of original research (mapping, surveying), analytical and synthesis methods (comparative analysis and synthesis of development indicators), modelling development, and integral (sectoral and spatial) planning of the sustainable development of rural areas.
Models of the relationships between cities and their environs. Researching processes of suburbanisations using the example of the Zagreb urban region. Method: analysis of statistical data. Surveying (preparing questions, selecting samples, direct surveying, data entry and analysis in the program SPSS). Cartographic visualisations of study results and drafting thematic maps. Changes in the rural/urban ring Analysis of processes: suburbanisation, satellitisation, daily migrations, central functions in settlements and environs, etc. Transformation of landscapes of the rural/urban ring. Research methodology: field study, mapping and surveying, processing and analysis of statistical data, analysis of cartographic displays. Marginal areas in the composition of city regions.
Tourism and recreation in urban and rural areas
Spatial implications of tourism and recreation in cities and rural areas – physiognomic, economic, socio-cultural, environmental. Tourism on rural holdings. Case study: tourism and recreation as factors of spatial transformation of the settlements of the island Krk. Tourism and recreation in protected areas near cities or within cities – case studies: Medvednica Nature Park, Maksimir Park. Research methods: statistical analysis, direct survey method, in-depth interview method, visualisation of spatial data using thematic cartographic imaging.
Weekend settlements in the local community
Concept of researching weekend settlements in receptive areas. Physiognomic, economic, sociocultural and environmental impacts and consequences of weekend settlements in the local community – case studies: island of Krk – settlement of Malinska and municipality of Dobrinj. Methodology of statistical monitoring of secondary recreational living – examples from the domestic and foreign statistical sources. Research methods: statistical analysis, direct surveying methods, in-depth interview methods, visualisation of spatial data using thematic cartographic imaging.
Lukić, A. Radeljak Kaufmann, P. (2017) A Scenario-based Approach to Discuss the Future of Croatian Rural Areas: Developing the Conceptual Framework of the CRORURIS Project. U: Jordan, P. (ur.) ISR-Forschungsbericht Heft 43: New developments in the rural space of Central and South-East Europe, Proceedings of the meeting of the Working Group on Central Europe in conjunction with the German Congress of Geography, Berlin, September 30, 2015. Wien, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Stadt- und Regionalforschung, str. 31-47. (https://www.bib.irb.hr/780724).
Lukić, A., 2012: Mozaik izvan grada – tipologija ruralnih i urbaniziranih naselja Hrvatske. Meridijani, Samobor.
Lukić, A., 2013: Tourism, farm diversification and plurality of rurality: case study of Croatia. European Countryside 5(4), 356-376.
Njegač, D., Gašparović, S., Stipešević, Z., 2010: Promjene u funkcionalno-prostornoj strukturi Osijeka nakon 1991. godine. Hrvatski geografski glasnik 72 (2), 101-121
Njegač, D., Gašparović, S., Stipešević, Z., 2012: Promjene u morfološkoj strukturi Osijeka nakon 1991. godine. Acta Geographica Croatica 38 (2010.-2011.), 59-73
Opačić, V. T., 2002: Turizam kao faktor preobrazbe općine Dobrinj. Hrvatski geografski glasnik, vol. 64, 33-54.
Opačić, V. T., 2012: Vikendaštvo u hrvatskom priobalju: jučer, danas, sutra. Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Zagreb.
Opačić, V. T., Dolenc, N., 2016: The connection between meteorological conditions and recreation in green spaces of the city: a case study of Maksimir Park in Zagreb. Tourism: an international interdisciplinary journal, vol. 64, br. 3, 277-294.
Pejnović, D., Radeljak Kaufmann, P., Lukić, A., 2016: Razvoj i suvremena obilježja poljoprivrednoga zadrugarstva na prostoru Hrvatske/Development and Contemporary Characteristics of Agricultural Cooperatives in the Area of Croatia. Hrvatski geografski glasnik 78 (2), 5-48.
Pejnović, D., Radeljak Kaufmann, P., Lukić, A., 2017: Utjecaj zadrugarstva na Regionalni i ruralni razvoj Hrvatske/The influence of cooperatives on regional and rural development of Croatia. Hrvatski geografski glasnik 79 (2), 51-85.
Lectures and consultations. Each course teacher shall deliver 2-4 lectures, depending on the representation of the theme and methodology.
Regular attendance at lectures. Giving form to the methodological framework of his/her own research. Fulfilment of obligations shall be confirmed by the course teachers by their signatures in the student’s record book (Index).
The mechanisms of institutional monitoring of teaching quality (the Regulations on Doctoral Study of the University of Zagreb, Form DR.SC. -04, DR.SC. -09).
ECTS: The ECTS system shall not be applied.