Annual conferences
Annual internal conference for all doctoral candidates is aimed at gradually developing and strengthening their presentation and communication skills, critical thinking and scientific discussion skills.
First year doctoral candidates present the results of their first year of research, giving an overview of the state of the global knowledge on their theme, in the broader scope of their research. Due to the nature of the content, the presentation is oral. (During the 2nd year of study, the results are published as a scientific paper on the topic of the dissertation in an A1 or A2 journal).
The doctoral candidates in the second year of study present the first results of their scientific research. The presentation may be a poster or oral presentation. During the study programme, the candidate must give at least one oral and one poster presentation (by the end of studies, the research results must be published in an A1 journal).
In the third year of study, doctoral candidates are REQUIRED to register and hold a presentation at an international scientific conference (oral or poster presentation, but keeping in mind that it is necessary to hold at least one oral and one poster presentation during studies). The results of the research on the topic of the dissertation are presented at the conference.