Submission of Proposal
During the 1st Study Year, the doctoral student shall also propose a supervisor/mentor and the theme of the doctoral dissertation and agree on the work conditions. The doctoral student shall be required to initiate the procedure for acceptance of the doctoral dissertation theme by submitting an application, which will contain general information about the doctoral student, his/her biography, a list of his/her papers, the title of the proposed theme, data on the proposed mentor and his/her competences, an amplification of the theme and the foreseen original scientific contribution of the proposed research, an estimate of the research costs and a statement that he/she has not submitted a doctoral dissertation on the same theme at another study programme at the University and/or at any other university. The theme of the doctoral dissertation shall be submitted on the University form (DR.SC.-01).
Thesis proposal is submitted to the Office for postgraduate studies, signed by the proposed menthor and doctoral student in 3 copies. Since the Submission of Proposal is one of the subjects that are required for the regular enrollment to the second year of study, doctoral student is required to submit the University form DR.SC.-01 to the Doctoral Study Council and to the Office for Postgraduate studies, at least one week prior to the last Council meeting in the academic year (in September) . The schedule of the Doctoral Study Council meetings is announced at the beginning of each academic year on the website of the Department.
The doctoral student shall be required to defend the theme publicly before a committee for evaluations of the theme and of the proposed mentor, and also before other doctoral students and other interested parties (Doctoral Seminar). After such public defence, by way of University form DR.SC.-02, the committee shall submit its evaluation of the doctoral dissertation theme to the Doctoral Study Council and the Dept. of Geography.