Geomorphological and geoecological study of the Zrmanja valley

Leader prof. dr. sc. Nenad Buzjak

associate prof. dr. sc. Neven Bočić

associate prof. dr. sc. Mladen Pahernik

assistant prof. dr. sc. Ivan Čanjevac

Iva Veverec, mag. geog.

Duration 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2021


Within the project, geomorphological and geoecological research is prepared by components:
a) Basic analysis of geological factors of relief formation
b) Structural-geomorphological, morphometric and morphogenetic features, exogenous-geomorphological and speleological features of the terrain 
c) Hydromorphological and hydrogeographical features of the Zrmanja Valley with using geo- and bio-indicators
d) Anthropogenic relief 
e) Geographical distribution and morphological features of tufa
f) Geoecological evaluation of the Zrmanja Valley in terms of tourism values and landscape potentials and ecosystem services 
g) Natural and anthropogenic pressures and threats to sedimentation processes and preservation of travertine deposits with proposals for sustainable use and protection 
h) Inventory and interpretation of representative elements of geoheritage with a proposal for protection and interpretation measures for tourism and educational purposes.