Geoecological study of Maksimir Park and Savica Significant Landscape

Leader prof. dr. sc. Nenad Buzjak

izv. prof. dr. sc. Martina Jakovičić

izv. prof. dr. sc. Neven Bočić

izv. prof. dr. sc. Mladen Pahernik

doc. dr. sc. Mladen Maradin

Valerija Butorac, mag. geogr.

Ivan Martinić, mag. geogr.

Duration 2019 - 2020



The study plans to collect and analyse data on the geoecological characteristics of the subject areas with components:

  • geomorphological analysis (mapping and inventory, development of geomorphological and morphometric maps, assessment, zoning with regarding the state, processes and potential threats to biodiversity and space)
  • microclimate of the space (measurement, analysis of selected indicators and evaluation, zoning)
  • spatial structure (physical-geographical, morphological and functional)
  • ecosystem services (inventory, assessment and analysis of social functions regarding the socio-economic structure of users, availability and gravity area; physical-geographical components of ecosystem services in terms of biodiversity aspect and social ecosystem services)
  • carrying capacity of space (mapping, inventory and analysis of indicators to determine physical and social carrying capacity of space; zoning of space regarding the possibilities and purpose of space and functions).