About employee

Valerija Rossi, mag. geogr.

Title: Assistant
Location: 329
Public phone number:01/4895 435
E-mail: E-mail
Department: GEOG - Division of Physical Geography
Graduation year:2016
Employed in this institution since:2018


Born in Zagreb on 23 May 1992. Completed the baccalaureate study of geography in 2013 under the mentorship of Professor Dane Pejnović on the topic Depopulation of Upper Pounja area in Lika, with special emphasis on the settlement Osrednjaci. She graduated from the study of geography of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb in 2016 on the topic Relative changes in sea level in the Makarska Riviera region under the mentorship of Professor Sanja Faivre. In 2018, she enrolled in the postgraduate study of geography and is currently preparing her Doctoral dissertation entitled Typology, evaluation and protection of the landscape of Mountainous Croatia under the mentorship of Professor Nenad Buzjak.

From 2016 – 2018, she was employed as an expert associate for strategic and regional planning in the company Urbanex d.o.o. and later as an expert associate for environmental protection in the company Vita projekt d.o.o. Since 2018, she has been employed as a junior researcher in the Division of Physical Geography, Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. Her scientific interests are focused on geomorphology and geoecology of the karst environment, research of the karst underground (speleology), changes in the environment and landscape, and the protection of geological diversity and geological heritage.

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