About employee

prof. dr. sc. Domagoj Đikić

Title: Full Professor
Location: ZAF1
Public phone number:+385(0)1 4877 753
Internal phone number:123
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of Animal Physiology
Employed in this institution since:2000




integrated undergraduate and graduate



MON 11-13


Curriculum Vitae

Personal information


Scientist personal identification number: 236741

URL personal web page biography

CROSBI profil: https://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=236741

Phone: +385 1 4877700;

E-mail:  domagoj.djikic@biol.pmf.hr; magistar_djikic1@yahoo.com



-2006 : Faculty of Science University of Zagreb, PhD

-2003 : Faculty of Science University of Zagreb, Msc

-1999 : Faculty of Science University of Zagreb, Graduate engeneer of Biology



Teaching vocation and position

01. 12. 2000. – Today: Faculty of Science University of Zagreb, Department of Animal Physiology;

Associated professor, 01.09. 2013-today,

Assistant professor, 27.11. 2009 – 01.09. 2013.,

Assistent, 01. 12. 2000 – 27. 11. 2009.

Scientific vocation

2013- today: Scientific Adviser, University of Zagreb

2012-2013: Senior Research Associate, University of Zagreb

2009-2012: Scientific associate, University of Zagreb

Scientific-teaching vocations

2013-present Associate Professor, Department of Animal Physiology PMF, University of Zagreb

2009-2013: Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

2006-present: Title professor lecturer, Department of Physiology, Health Polytechnic Collegue of Zagreb


Mentor 4 doctoral dissertations, 2 master's degrees in pre-school system, 35 undergraduate and graduate studies (4 final work in undergraduate and 31 graduate studies in graduate studies) and 1 work awarded with Rector's Award 2016/17.


-Scholarship of the Croatian Science Foundation for post-graduate education in Germany Phillips Universität, Marburg


59 scientific papers:

34 scientific papers indexed in Current Contents,

16 scientific papers indexed in the Science Citation Index expanded and Scopus,

9 in other bases and 8 scientific papers (in extenso) in conference proceedings and supplements.


11 books chapters

65 congress abstracts



Odabrana poglavlja iz Osnova patofiziologije

Odabrana poglavlja iz Osnova fiziologije čovjeka



    member of the Croatian Society for Neuroscience
    member of the Croatian Society of Physiologists
    member of HBDMB (Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
    member of the Croatian genetic society
    member of the CROLASA-Croatian Society for Animal Science Associations (LASA)

Leadership and organizational activities (both inside and outside the institution)

    Instructor at the LabAnim Course for licencing researcehrs for conducting experiments on animals. PMF, Zagreb (2012-present)
    Instructor at International Science Course: EMBO, Practical Course-Anatomy and Embryology of the Laboratory Mouse. Zagreb University School of Medicine, 2006.
    Instructor at International Science Course: EMBO, Practical Course-Anatomy and Embryology of the Laboratory Mouse. Zagreb University School of Medicine, 2008.
    Member of the State Commission of the Ministry of Science and Technology for the State Competition of Biology Schools, Field-Physiology of Man, 2004-2006. and 2008-2010.
    Head of Section Spider research, Student Associations of Bius of Faculty of Biology of PMF, November, 2004-2007
    Assistant representative of the Institute for Animal Physiology at the Council of the BO PMF, Zagreb, 2003- 2009.
    2005: Leader of courses Scheadule creation group of  of Division of Biology of Faculty of Sciene
    2003 - 2010: member of the organizing committee of of Division of Biology of Faculty of Sciene for the University of Smotra, (2009 and 2010 leader)
    2002-2005: BO commissioner for implementation of student elections
    BO Board Member for creating new study programs of Division of Biology of Faculty of Sciene
    Coordinator of the development of a new study program on Environmental sciences of Division of Biology of Faculty of Sciene
    Head of the Environmental Science Study Program of Division of Biology of Faculty of Sciene
    Member of the Committee for Graduate Studies of Division of Biology of Faculty of Sciene
    Member of the Council of Division of Biology of Faculty of Sciene Board
    Member of the Bioethics Committee for Animal Welfare of the PMF
    Deputy Head of Department of Animal Physiology
    Assistant of Head of Biology Division of the Faculty of Science for International Cooperation 2016-today
    Member of the Organizing Committee of the 12th Croatian Congress of Biologists organized by the Croatian Biological Society
    2013 - Editor in editorial board of the journal Archives of Toxicology and Occupational Medicine
    2011 - member of the Faculty of Biological Council

    2018 -Member of the Organizing Committee of the 13th Croatian Congress of Biologists organized by the Croatian Biological Society

    2013 - Member of the Commission for approval of biocidal substinces of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia


Visible in list of works in CROSBI (URL at the beginning of the CV)

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)

Note: this list of papers is located in an maintained by the Ruđer Bošković Institute which is in charge of the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI). This link will take you to the appropriate CROSBI page of this person, containing a list of papers they have themselves entered in the database.

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