Methodological approaches for analysing the impacts of the anthropogenic pressures on the hydro-morphological state of rivers

Project leaders:

prof. Liliana Zaharia, PhD (University of Bucharest)

prof. Philippe Belleudy, PhD (University of Grenoble-Alpes)

Assisstant prof. Ivan Čanjevac, PhD (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography)

Duration of the project:

2016 - 2017


General goal of the project was to establish an interdisciplinary research through a collaboration between teams of researchers from academic institutions in three countries (Romania, France and Croatia) on methods for analyzing the human impacts on the hydromorphological state of rivers. Major operational objectives were to make an inventory of the methods/indicators currently used for assessing the rivers’ morphological state in each partner country and to identify the regulations in this field. In addition, goal was to identify and propose other possible complementary methods/indicators, based on the analysis of the river morphological and sedimentary features, in order to assess the hydromorphological state of the rivers. Project was carried out in several phases, i.e. scientific meetings in all three countries including field trips and laboratory visits.