About employee

prof. dr. sc. Snježana Markušić

Title: Full Professor
Location: 213
Public phone number:+385 1 460-5913
Internal phone number:5913
E-mail: E-mail
Official web page URL: http://www.pmf.unizg.hr/geof
Department: Department of Geophysics
Graduation year:1987
mr.sc. graduation year:1991
PhD graduation year:1997
Employed in this institution since:1986




integrated undergraduate and graduate



Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)

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List of select publications

Belinić, T and S. Markušić: Empirical criteria for the accuracy of earthquake locations on the Croatian territory. Geofizika, 34/1, 2017, 1-17. http://geofizika-journal.gfz.hr/ArtINPress/34-1_Belinic_&_Markusic.pdf. DOI: 10.15233/gfz.2017.34.5.

Gülerce, Z., Šalić, R., Kuka, N., Markušić, S., Mihaljević, J., Kovačević, V., Sandikkaya, A., Milutinović, Z., Duni, L., Stanko, D., Kaludjerović, N. and S. Kovačević: Seismic hazard maps for the Western Balkan. Inženjerstvo okoliša, 4/1, 2017, 7-17.

Stanko, D., Markušić, S., Strelec, S. and M. Gazdek: Equivalent-linear site response analysis on the site of the historical Trakošćan Castle, Croatia using HVSR method. Accepted for publication to Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017.  https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12665-017-6971-4. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-017-6971-4.

Šumanovac; F., Markušić, S., Engelsfeld, T., Jurković, K. and J. Orešković: Shallow and deep lithosphere slabs beneath the Dinerides from teleseismic tomography as the result of the Adriatic lithosphere downwelling. Tectonophysics, 712-713, 2017, 523-541. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2017.06.018. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.06.018.

Mihaljević, J., Zupančič, P., Kuka, N., Kaluđerović, N., Koçi, R., Markušić, S., Šalić, R., Dushi, E., Begu, E., Duni, Ll., Živčić, M., Kovačević, S., Ivančić, I., Kovačević, V., Milutinović, Z., Vakilinezhad, M., Fiket, T. and Z. Gülerce: BSHAP seismic source characterization models for the Western Balkan Region. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 15(10), 2017, 3963-3985. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10518-017-0143-5. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-017-0143-5.

Šalić, R., Sandikkaya, M. A., Milutinović, Z., Gülerce, Z., Duni, Ll., Kovačević, V., Markušić, S., Mihaljević, J., Kuka, N., Kaludjerović, N., Kotur, N., Krmpotić, S., Kuk, K. and D. Stanko: Reply to „Comment to BSHAP Project Strong Ground Motion Database and Selection of Suitable Ground Motion Models for the Western Balkan Region“ by Carlo Cauzzi and Ezio Faccioli. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 15(4), 2017, 1349-1353. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10518-017-0095-9. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-017-0095-9.

Stanko, D., Markušić, S., Strelec, S. and M. Gazdek: HVSR analysis of seismic site effects and soil-structure resonance in the Varaždin city (North Croatia). Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 92, 2017, 666-677. DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2016.10.022.

Markušić, S., Ivančić, I. and I. Sović: The 1677 Dubrovnik earthquake – some new insights. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 61/3, 2017, 587-600. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11200-016-1065-4. DOI: 10.1007/s11200-016-1065-4.

Šalić, R., Sandikkaya, M. A., Milutinović, Z., Gülerce, Z., Duni, Ll., Kovačević, V., Markušić, S., Mihaljević, J., Kuka, N., Kaludjerović, N., Kotur, N., Krmpotić, S., Kuk, K. and D. Stanko: BSHAP Project Strong Ground Motion Database and Selection of Suitable Ground Motion Models for the Western Balkan Region. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 15(4), 2017, 1319-1343. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10518-016-9950-3.          DOI: 10.1007/s10518-016-9950-3.

Stanko, D., Markušić, S., Strelec, S. and M. Gazdek: Seismic Response and Vulnerability of Historical Castle Trakošćan, Croatia using HVSR Method. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75 (5), 2016, 368-1-368-14. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-5185-x.

Markušić, S., Gülerce, Z., Kuka, N., Duni, L., Ivančić, I., Radovanović, S., Glavatović, B., Milutinović Z., Akkar, S., Kovačević, S., Mihaljević, J. and R. Šalić: An updated and unified earthquake catalogue for the Western Balkan region. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 14(2), 2016, 321-343. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-015-9833-z

Stanko, D., Markušić, S. and S. Strelec: Estimation of Seismic Site Effects from Ambient Noise Measurements using HVSR Method: Varaždin city, Croatia. International Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology – IZIIS-50 Conference Proceedings, 2015, ID315-1-ID315-8.

Stipčević, J., Tkalčić, H., Herak, M., Markušić S. and D. Herak: Crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath the External Dinarides, Croatia, determined from teleseismic receiver functions. Geophysical Journal International, 185/3, 2011, 1103-1119.

Herak, M., Allegretti, I., Herak, D., Ivančić, I., Kuk, K., Marić, K., Markušić, S. and I. Sović: Seismic hazard maps of Croatia. Geophysical Challenges of the 21st Century, 2 December 2011, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 43.

Mandić, I. and S. Markušić: Geomagnetism in Croatia. Geophysical Challenges of the 21st Century, 2 December 2011, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 45.

Herak, M., Allegretti, I., Herak, D., Kuk, K., Kuk, V., Marić, K., Markušić, S. and J. Stipčević: HVSR of ambient noise in Ston (Croatia)  – comparison with theoretical spectra and with the damage distribution after the 1996 Ston-Slano earthquake. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 8, 2010, 483-499.

Herak, M., Tkalčić, H., Stipčević, J., Markušić, S. and D. Herak (2009): Structure of the Lithosphere Beneath Croatia Determined from Broadband Radial Receiver Functions. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, AGU 2009, 1520-1520.

Ivančić, I., Herak, D., Markušić, S., Sović, I. and M. Herak: Seismicity of Croatia in the period 2002-2005. Geofizika, 23, 2006, 87-103.

Herak, D., Herak, M., Prelogović, E., Markušić, S. and Ž. Markulin: Jabuka island (Central Adriatic Sea) earthquakes of 2003. Tectonophysics, 398, 2005, 167-180.

Markušić, S. (2005): Seismicity of Croatia. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Earthquake monitoring and seismic hazard mitigation in Balkan countries, Borovetz, 11-17 September 2005, Bulgaria, Book of Abstracts, 124-128.

Ivančić, I., Herak, D., Markušić, S., Sović, I. and M. Herak: Seismicity of Croatia in the period 1997-2001. Geofizika, 18/19, 2002, 17-29.

Markušić, S., Herak, M., Herak, D. and I. Ivančić: Peak horizontal-to-vertical acceleration ratio and local amplification of strong ground motion. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 46, 2002, 83-92.

Herak, M., Markušić, S. and I. Ivančić: Attenuation of peak horizontal and vertical acceleration in the Dinarides area. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 45, 2001,383-394.

Herak, M., Herak, D., Markušić, S. and I. Ivančić: Numerical modeling of the Ston-Slano (Croatia) aftershock sequence. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 45, 2001, 251-266.

Markušić, S., Suhadolc, P., Herak, M. and F. Vaccari: A contribution to seismic hazard assessment in Croatia from deterministic modeling. Pageoph, 157, 1/2, 2000, 185-204.

Markušić, S. and M. Herak: Seismic zoning of Croatia. Natural Hazards, 18, 1999, 269-285.

Markušić, S., Herak, D., Ivančić, I., Sović I., Herak, M. and E. Prelogović: Seismicity of Croatia in the period 1993-1996 and the Ston-Slano earthquake of 1996. Geofizika, 15, 1998, 83-102.

Herak, M., Herak, D. and S. Markušić: Revision of the earthquake catalogue and seismicity of Croatia, 1908-1992. Terra Nova, 8, 1996, 86-94.

Herak, M., Herak D. and S. Markušić: Fault-plane solutions for earthquakes (1956-1995) in Croatia and neighbouring regions. Geofizika, 12, 1995, 43-56.

Markušić, S., Herak, D., Sović, I. and M. Herak: Seismicity of Croatia in the period 1990-1992. Geofizika, 10, 1993, 19-34.

Herak, D., Herak, M., Sović, I. and S. Markušić: Seismicity of Croatia in 1989 and Kamešnica Mt. earthquake. Geofizika, 8, 1991, 83-99.

Markušić, S., Sović, I. and D. Herak: Seismicity of Croatia and the surrounding areas in 1988. Geofizika, 7, 1990, 121-134.

Professional memberships

  • Editorial Board of the „Inženjerstvo okoliša“
  • Seismological Society of America
  • Croatian Committee of Geodesy and Geophysics (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts).

List of select projects

  • GEOSEKVA - Geological and seismological aspects of geodynamics in Kvarner area - unveiling of the Kvarner fault
  • VELEBIT top to bottom – multidisciplinary research linking seismological data and tectonics in the Mt. Velebit region
  • Seismicity of Croatia
  • Study of the geomagnetic field and heterogeneities of the litosphere in Croatia
  • Seismic zoning of Croatia
  • Harmonization of seismic hazard maps for the western Balkan countries (NATO SfP Project 983054)
  • Improvements in the Harmonized Seismic Hazard Maps for the Western Balkan Countries (NATO SfP Project 984374)
  • Quantitative seismic zoning of the Circum-Pannonian region (EU Grant Copernicus CIPA CT94-0238)
  • UNESCO/IGCP project 414 – Seismic ground motion in large urban areas

Hobbies and interests

  • Dogs
  • Yoga
  • Walking
  • SUP (stand up paddling)
  • Cooking