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About employee

dr. sc. Iva Međugorac

Title: Expert
Location: 205
Public phone number:+385 1 460-5906
Internal phone number:5906
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Department of Geophysics
Graduation year:2008
PhD graduation year:2018
Employed in this institution since:2009




Iva Međugorac was born in summer of 1982 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After finishing high school in Žepče, Iva went to study physics at Faculty of Science at the University of Zagreb in autumn of 2001. She earned her diploma in physics-geophysics (equivalent to Bologna’s Master in Physics-Geophysics) in September of 2008, specialising in oceanography. Next year she started to work as a research assistant at Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, and she enrolled in a Ph.D. study in physics-geophysics at the same Faculty. She successfully defended her dissertation titled Exceptionally high sea levels in the Northern Adriatic and the east-to-west sea-level slope in December 2018, which was supervised by Prof. Mirko Orlić and Dr. Miroslava Pasarić. Iva is a teaching assistant in two graduate course: Introduction to geophysical fluid dynamics and Atmosphere and sea dynamics. She has participated in Sea-Bird Europe Open House and Training (organised by Sea-Bird Electronics, Kempten, Germany, 2012), Workshop on Costal Dynamics Modelling School (organised by University of Toulon and CNRS, Agelonde, France, 2011) and Research visit to the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (Liverpool, UK, 2010).

In 2015 she received Outstanding Young Scientist Award from the Faculty of Science.

Besides her research and teaching, Iva works as a project administrator for MAUD and CARE projects. She was involved in organisation of international scientific meeting Geophysical Challenges of the 21st Century held in Zagreb, Croatia on 2nd December 2011, and publication of the monograph Nulla dies sine observatione. She actively participates in the annual event Open Day of Department of Geophysics.

Iva published five peer-reviewed papers (WoS) and is the leading author of three papers. She participated in six international scientific conferences with three poster presentations (CIESM 2013, EGU 2017, EGU 2018) and three oral presentations (MIPRO 2011, FRIAR 2016, 6th MetMed & MI 5 2017).

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)

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List of select publications

Šepić, J., Pasarić, M., Međugorac, I., Vilibić, I., Karlović, M., Mlinar, M., 2022. Climatology and process-oriented analysis of the Adriatic sea level extremes. Progress in Oceanography 209, 102908,

Pérez Gómez, B., Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., Međugorac, I., Ličer, M., Testut, L., Fraboul, C., Marcos, M. i sur., 2022. Coastal Sea Level Monitoring in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Ocean Science 18(4), 997–1053,

Međugorac, I., Pasarić, M., Güttler, I., 2021. Will the wind associated with the Adriatic storm surges change in future climate?. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 143(1), 1-18,

Bajo, M., Međugorac, I., Umgiesser, G., Orlić, M., 2019. Storm surge and seiche modelling in the Adriatic Sea and the impact of data assimilation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 145, 2070– 2084,

Međugorac, I., Orlić, M., Janeković, I., Pasarić, M., Pasarić, Z., 2018. Adriatic storm surges and related cross-basin sea-level slope. Journal of Marine Systems 181, 79–90,

Međugorac, I., Pasarić, M., Orlić, M., 2015. Severe flooding along the eastern Adriatic coast: the case of 1 December 2008. Ocean Dynamics 65, 817–830,

Professional memberships

Croatian Meteorological Society

List of select projects

Strength and Variability of the Adriatic Sea Level Extremes in Present and Future Climates (StVar-Adri)

Middle Adriatic Upwelling and Downwelling (MAUD)

Climate of the Adriatic REgion in its global context (CARE)

Exploring the Adriatic Sea Dynamics using Advanced Data Assimilation Methods and Measurements (ADAM-ADRIA)

Past employments

Since 6th April 2009 Research assistant at Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

Hobbies and interests

I love gardening, mowing my lawn and preparing fruits of my labor with good chunks of meat.