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Setting up meteorological instruments...


As part of the VITCLIC Project micro-meteorological measurements were established at the Research Institute of the Faculty of Agriculture in Jazbina (rural part of Zagreb). The VITCLIC meteorological system measures wind at 2 levels (4 and 10 m), and further temperature, relative humidity and radiation in the first 0.8 m above the surface.


All above mentioned data are stored and prepared for detailed processing in collaboration with agronomists when performing the defoliation process. Additionally, there is also one hailmeter that has so far recorded a poor hailfall in the evening of 1 June 2017. The overall installation of the instrumentation and the establishment of the data storage system lasted for a full month. Today we are pleased to say that all instruments work properly and that the data are systematically stored and prepared for the first analysis.





Author: Antun Marki
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