1. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced biochemistry laboratory (44023)
Močibob, M.
| 1 | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1 (44042)
Tomišić, V.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
5.0 |
Cell biochemistry (72839)
Dulić, M.
- | 45
| 1 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical thermodynamics (227531)
Horvat, G.; Požar, J.
- | 45
| 1 | INFO |
ECTS | Biochemistry-elective courses-winter semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti biokemija-zimski semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Catalytic Mechanisms in Biological Systems (72841)
Gruić Sovulj, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Cell biophysics (44039)
Pavin, N.; Ilakovac Kveder, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Genomics and bioinformatics (128620)
Močibob, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses beyond selected branches
=> DIK-ostali izborni 58 (biok-fiz) -zima |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced organic laboratory course (44053)
Petrović Peroković, V.; Biljan, I.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Applied vibrational spectroscopy (44002)
Miljanić, S.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Bioinorganic chemistry (43979)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical concepts in molecular gastronomy (240409)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of molecular solids (72806)
Cinčić, D.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Crystal chemistry (43976)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Enzymic catalysis in organic synthesis (44055)
Car, Ž.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Extraction techniques (43999)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Heterocyclic chemistry (72825)
Primožič, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher inorganic chemistry laboratory (44010)
Rubčić, M.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher laboratory in analytical chemistry 1 (43995)
Kenđel, A.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Hyphenated systems in analytical chemistry (44005)
Galić, N.; Novak, P.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental analysis 1 (43971)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Magnetochemistry (72802)
Rubčić, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Multidimensional NMR spectroscopy (44006)
Novak, P.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical inorganic chemistry (72801)
Stilinović, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical-organic chemistry (88324)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Protein crystallography (198315)
Kekez, I.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Quality assessment in analytical laboratory (43997)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Selected topics in organic chemistry (72837)
Petrović Peroković, V.; Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Synthesis in inorganic chemistry (44014)
Vrdoljak, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses from physical chemistry
=> DIK-izborni predmeti fizikalna kemija-zimski semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical kinetics (43991)
Tomišić, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemometrics (44045)
Tomišić, V.; Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Electrochemistry (43984)
Bregović, N.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Molecular biophysics (198313)
Bertoša, B.
- | 90
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Quantum chemistry (227530)
Došlić, N.; Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Structural computational biophysics (198314)
Bertoša, B.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Theoretical chemistry (72796)
Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
2. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Genetic and protein engineering (43980)
Rokov Plavec, J.
- | 45
| 2 | INFO |
5.0 |
Molecular spectroscopy (227532)
Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 2 | INFO |
ECTS | Biochemistry-elective courses-summer semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti biokemija-ljetni semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Bioanalytics (128621)
Cindrić, M.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Modelling of biomacromolecules (198316)
Maršavelski, A.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Molecular Genetics (44030)
Ivančić Baće, I.
- | 90
| 2, 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses beyond selected branches
=> DIK-ostali izborni 58 (biok-fiz) -ljeto |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Analytical biochemistry (44038)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical sensors (43998)
Miljanić, S.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of materials (43986)
Meštrović, E.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of natural organic products (44051)
Cindro, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Computational chemistry (43983)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Coordination compounds of transition metals in catalysis (44020)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Crystal engineering (72805)
Judaš, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Diffraction methods of crystal structure determination (43978)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Elemental and speciation analysis (44000)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher laboratory in analytical chemistry 2 (44001)
Galić, N.
- | 60
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Inorganic reaction mechanisms (44012)
Nemec, V.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental analysis 2 (43975)
Galić, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental methods for the characterization of solids (72803)
Prugovečki, B.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (270691)
Car, Ž.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Metals and ligand reactivity (240413)
Cinčić, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Organic synthesis methods (44056)
Petrović Peroković, V.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Photochemistry (43994)
Škalamera, Đ.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Radioanalytical methods (43973)
Nemet, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Solid state chemistry (43985)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Spectroscopic structural analysis (44004)
Novak, P.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Physical chemistry-elective courses-winter semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti fizikalna kemija-ljetni semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2 (44049)
Tomišić, V.
- | 60
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Colloid and interfacial chemistry (43981)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical chemistry of macromolecules (44046)
Kovačević, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical chemistry of macromolecules (course held in English) (172953)
Kovačević, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical supramolecular chemistry (240408)
Bregović, N.; Požar, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physico-chemical methods in drug research (240403)
Bregović, N.; Požar, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
3. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
10.0 | Diploma thesis (72927) | - | 120
| 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Biochemistry-elective courses-winter semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti biokemija-zimski semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Catalytic Mechanisms in Biological Systems (72841)
Gruić Sovulj, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Cell biophysics (44039)
Pavin, N.; Ilakovac Kveder, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Genomics and bioinformatics (128620)
Močibob, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective course
=> DIK - izborni predmet izvan obavezne jezgre |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Internship (212150)
Bregović, N.; Pisk, J.
- | 120
| 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses beyond selected branches
=> DIK-ostali izborni 58 (biok-fiz) -zima |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced organic laboratory course (44053)
Petrović Peroković, V.; Biljan, I.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Applied vibrational spectroscopy (44002)
Miljanić, S.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Bioinorganic chemistry (43979)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical concepts in molecular gastronomy (240409)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of molecular solids (72806)
Cinčić, D.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Crystal chemistry (43976)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Enzymic catalysis in organic synthesis (44055)
Car, Ž.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Extraction techniques (43999)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Heterocyclic chemistry (72825)
Primožič, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher inorganic chemistry laboratory (44010)
Rubčić, M.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher laboratory in analytical chemistry 1 (43995)
Kenđel, A.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Hyphenated systems in analytical chemistry (44005)
Galić, N.; Novak, P.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental analysis 1 (43971)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Magnetochemistry (72802)
Rubčić, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Multidimensional NMR spectroscopy (44006)
Novak, P.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical inorganic chemistry (72801)
Stilinović, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical-organic chemistry (88324)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Protein crystallography (198315)
Kekez, I.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Quality assessment in analytical laboratory (43997)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Selected topics in organic chemistry (72837)
Petrović Peroković, V.; Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Synthesis in inorganic chemistry (44014)
Vrdoljak, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses from physical chemistry
=> DIK-izborni predmeti fizikalna kemija-zimski semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical kinetics (43991)
Tomišić, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemometrics (44045)
Tomišić, V.; Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Electrochemistry (43984)
Bregović, N.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Molecular biophysics (198313)
Bertoša, B.
- | 90
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Quantum chemistry (227530)
Došlić, N.; Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Structural computational biophysics (198314)
Bertoša, B.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Theoretical chemistry (72796)
Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
4. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
20.0 | Diploma thesis (72928) | - | 210
| 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Biochemistry-elective courses-summer semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti biokemija-ljetni semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Bioanalytics (128621)
Cindrić, M.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Modelling of biomacromolecules (198316)
Maršavelski, A.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Molecular Genetics (44030)
Ivančić Baće, I.
- | 90
| 2, 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses beyond selected branches
=> DIK-ostali izborni 58 (biok-fiz) -ljeto |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Analytical biochemistry (44038)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical sensors (43998)
Miljanić, S.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of materials (43986)
Meštrović, E.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of natural organic products (44051)
Cindro, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Computational chemistry (43983)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Coordination compounds of transition metals in catalysis (44020)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Crystal engineering (72805)
Judaš, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Diffraction methods of crystal structure determination (43978)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Elemental and speciation analysis (44000)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher laboratory in analytical chemistry 2 (44001)
Galić, N.
- | 60
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Inorganic reaction mechanisms (44012)
Nemec, V.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental analysis 2 (43975)
Galić, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental methods for the characterization of solids (72803)
Prugovečki, B.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (270691)
Car, Ž.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Metals and ligand reactivity (240413)
Cinčić, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Organic synthesis methods (44056)
Petrović Peroković, V.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Photochemistry (43994)
Škalamera, Đ.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Radioanalytical methods (43973)
Nemet, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Solid state chemistry (43985)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Spectroscopic structural analysis (44004)
Novak, P.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Physical chemistry-elective courses-winter semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti fizikalna kemija-ljetni semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2 (44049)
Tomišić, V.
- | 60
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Colloid and interfacial chemistry (43981)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical chemistry of macromolecules (44046)
Kovačević, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical chemistry of macromolecules (course held in English) (172953)
Kovačević, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical supramolecular chemistry (240408)
Bregović, N.; Požar, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physico-chemical methods in drug research (240403)
Bregović, N.; Požar, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
1. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced biochemistry laboratory (44023)
Močibob, M.
| 1 | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1 (44042)
Tomišić, V.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
5.0 |
Cell biochemistry (72839)
Dulić, M.
- | 45
| 1 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical thermodynamics (227531)
Horvat, G.; Požar, J.
- | 45
| 1 | INFO |
ECTS | Biochemistry-elective courses-winter semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti biokemija-zimski semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Catalytic Mechanisms in Biological Systems (72841)
Gruić Sovulj, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Cell biophysics (44039)
Pavin, N.; Ilakovac Kveder, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Genomics and bioinformatics (128620)
Močibob, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses beyond selected branches
=> DIK-ostali izborni 58 (biok-fiz) -zima |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced organic laboratory course (44053)
Petrović Peroković, V.; Biljan, I.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Applied vibrational spectroscopy (44002)
Miljanić, S.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Bioinorganic chemistry (43979)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical concepts in molecular gastronomy (240409)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of molecular solids (72806)
Cinčić, D.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Crystal chemistry (43976)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Enzymic catalysis in organic synthesis (44055)
Car, Ž.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Extraction techniques (43999)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Heterocyclic chemistry (72825)
Primožič, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher inorganic chemistry laboratory (44010)
Rubčić, M.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher laboratory in analytical chemistry 1 (43995)
Kenđel, A.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Hyphenated systems in analytical chemistry (44005)
Galić, N.; Novak, P.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental analysis 1 (43971)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Magnetochemistry (72802)
Rubčić, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Multidimensional NMR spectroscopy (44006)
Novak, P.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical inorganic chemistry (72801)
Stilinović, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical-organic chemistry (88324)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Protein crystallography (198315)
Kekez, I.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Quality assessment in analytical laboratory (43997)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Selected topics in organic chemistry (72837)
Petrović Peroković, V.; Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Synthesis in inorganic chemistry (44014)
Vrdoljak, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses from physical chemistry
=> DIK-izborni predmeti fizikalna kemija-zimski semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical kinetics (43991)
Tomišić, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemometrics (44045)
Tomišić, V.; Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Electrochemistry (43984)
Bregović, N.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Molecular biophysics (198313)
Bertoša, B.
- | 90
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Quantum chemistry (227530)
Došlić, N.; Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Structural computational biophysics (198314)
Bertoša, B.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Theoretical chemistry (72796)
Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
2. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Genetic and protein engineering (43980)
Rokov Plavec, J.
- | 45
| 2 | INFO |
5.0 |
Molecular spectroscopy (227532)
Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 2 | INFO |
ECTS | Biochemistry-elective courses-summer semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti biokemija-ljetni semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Bioanalytics (128621)
Cindrić, M.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Modelling of biomacromolecules (198316)
Maršavelski, A.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Molecular Genetics (44030)
Ivančić Baće, I.
- | 90
| 2, 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses beyond selected branches
=> DIK-ostali izborni 58 (biok-fiz) -ljeto |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Analytical biochemistry (44038)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical sensors (43998)
Miljanić, S.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of materials (43986)
Meštrović, E.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of natural organic products (44051)
Cindro, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Computational chemistry (43983)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Coordination compounds of transition metals in catalysis (44020)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Crystal engineering (72805)
Judaš, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Diffraction methods of crystal structure determination (43978)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Elemental and speciation analysis (44000)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher laboratory in analytical chemistry 2 (44001)
Galić, N.
- | 60
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Inorganic reaction mechanisms (44012)
Nemec, V.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental analysis 2 (43975)
Galić, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental methods for the characterization of solids (72803)
Prugovečki, B.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (270691)
Car, Ž.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Metals and ligand reactivity (240413)
Cinčić, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Organic synthesis methods (44056)
Petrović Peroković, V.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Photochemistry (43994)
Škalamera, Đ.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Radioanalytical methods (43973)
Nemet, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Solid state chemistry (43985)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Spectroscopic structural analysis (44004)
Novak, P.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Physical chemistry-elective courses-winter semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti fizikalna kemija-ljetni semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2 (44049)
Tomišić, V.
- | 60
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Colloid and interfacial chemistry (43981)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical chemistry of macromolecules (44046)
Kovačević, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical chemistry of macromolecules (course held in English) (172953)
Kovačević, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical supramolecular chemistry (240408)
Bregović, N.; Požar, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physico-chemical methods in drug research (240403)
Bregović, N.; Požar, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
3. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
10.0 | Diploma thesis (72927) | - | 120
| 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Biochemistry-elective courses-winter semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti biokemija-zimski semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Catalytic Mechanisms in Biological Systems (72841)
Gruić Sovulj, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Cell biophysics (44039)
Pavin, N.; Ilakovac Kveder, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Genomics and bioinformatics (128620)
Močibob, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective course
=> DIK - izborni predmet izvan obavezne jezgre |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Internship (212150)
Bregović, N.; Pisk, J.
- | 120
| 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses beyond selected branches
=> DIK-ostali izborni 58 (biok-fiz) -zima |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced organic laboratory course (44053)
Petrović Peroković, V.; Biljan, I.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Applied vibrational spectroscopy (44002)
Miljanić, S.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Bioinorganic chemistry (43979)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical concepts in molecular gastronomy (240409)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of molecular solids (72806)
Cinčić, D.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Crystal chemistry (43976)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Enzymic catalysis in organic synthesis (44055)
Car, Ž.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Extraction techniques (43999)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Heterocyclic chemistry (72825)
Primožič, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher inorganic chemistry laboratory (44010)
Rubčić, M.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher laboratory in analytical chemistry 1 (43995)
Kenđel, A.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Hyphenated systems in analytical chemistry (44005)
Galić, N.; Novak, P.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental analysis 1 (43971)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Magnetochemistry (72802)
Rubčić, M.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Multidimensional NMR spectroscopy (44006)
Novak, P.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical inorganic chemistry (72801)
Stilinović, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical-organic chemistry (88324)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Protein crystallography (198315)
Kekez, I.
- | 60
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Quality assessment in analytical laboratory (43997)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Selected topics in organic chemistry (72837)
Petrović Peroković, V.; Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Synthesis in inorganic chemistry (44014)
Vrdoljak, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses from physical chemistry
=> DIK-izborni predmeti fizikalna kemija-zimski semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical kinetics (43991)
Tomišić, V.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemometrics (44045)
Tomišić, V.; Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Electrochemistry (43984)
Bregović, N.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Molecular biophysics (198313)
Bertoša, B.
- | 90
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Quantum chemistry (227530)
Došlić, N.; Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Structural computational biophysics (198314)
Bertoša, B.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
5.0 |
Theoretical chemistry (72796)
Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 1, 3 | INFO |
4. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
20.0 | Diploma thesis (72928) | - | 210
| 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Biochemistry-elective courses-summer semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti biokemija-ljetni semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Bioanalytics (128621)
Cindrić, M.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Modelling of biomacromolecules (198316)
Maršavelski, A.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Molecular Genetics (44030)
Ivančić Baće, I.
- | 90
| 2, 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses beyond selected branches
=> DIK-ostali izborni 58 (biok-fiz) -ljeto |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Analytical biochemistry (44038)
Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemical sensors (43998)
Miljanić, S.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of materials (43986)
Meštrović, E.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Chemistry of natural organic products (44051)
Cindro, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Computational chemistry (43983)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Coordination compounds of transition metals in catalysis (44020)
Pisk, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Crystal engineering (72805)
Judaš, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Diffraction methods of crystal structure determination (43978)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Elemental and speciation analysis (44000)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Higher laboratory in analytical chemistry 2 (44001)
Galić, N.
- | 60
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Inorganic reaction mechanisms (44012)
Nemec, V.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental analysis 2 (43975)
Galić, N.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Instrumental methods for the characterization of solids (72803)
Prugovečki, B.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (270691)
Car, Ž.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Metals and ligand reactivity (240413)
Cinčić, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Organic synthesis methods (44056)
Petrović Peroković, V.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Photochemistry (43994)
Škalamera, Đ.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Radioanalytical methods (43973)
Nemet, I.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Solid state chemistry (43985)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Spectroscopic structural analysis (44004)
Novak, P.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
ECTS | Physical chemistry-elective courses-winter semester
=> DIK-Izborni predmeti fizikalna kemija-ljetni semestar |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
5.0 |
Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2 (44049)
Tomišić, V.
- | 60
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Colloid and interfacial chemistry (43981)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical chemistry of macromolecules (44046)
Kovačević, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical chemistry of macromolecules (course held in English) (172953)
Kovačević, D.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physical supramolecular chemistry (240408)
Bregović, N.; Požar, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
5.0 |
Physico-chemical methods in drug research (240403)
Bregović, N.; Požar, J.
- | 45
| 2, 4 | INFO |
(*)Course is currently not active
(***)Course is active in other academic year