O djelatniku

dr. sc. Lucija Šerić Jelaska

Zvanje: stručni savjetnik
Funkcija:Viša znanstvena suradnica, voditeljica istraživačke grupe
Telefon:+385(0)1 4877 711
Telefon kućni:211
E-mail: E-mail
Zavod/služba: Zoologijski zavod




Rezultati studentske ankete

Studentska nagrada "BRDO" 2018.

Nagrada BRDO 2018




Objavljeni radovi u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji

Pretraži Hrvatsku znanstvenu bibliografiju – CRORIS

Izabrane publikacije

Jambrošić Vladić Ž, HA Benítez, A Pirnat, S Hristovski, L Šerić Jelaska (2018) Variations in body shape of mountain habitat specialist Carabus croaticus and its sister species Carabus caelatus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) populations across Dinaric Alps. Zoomorphology, 1-12

Rukavina I, F Kostanjšek, SD Jelaska, A Pirnat, L Šerić Jelaska Distribution and habitat suitability of two rare saproxylic beetles in Croatia-a piece of puzzle missing for South-Eastern Europe. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 11 (6), 765

Kostanjsek F, P Sebek, B Baranova, L Seric Jelaska, V. Riedl, L. Cizek (2018) Size matters! Habitat preferences of the wrinkled bark beetle, Rhysodes sulcatus, the relict species of European primeval forests. Insect Conservation and Diversity 11/6: 545-553

Šapina I, L Šerić Jelaska (2018) First report of invasive brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) in Croatia EPPO Bulletin 48 (1), 138-143

Katušić L, Jelaska SD, Šerić Jelaska L* (2017) Monitoring of saproxylic beetles in Croatia: following the path of the stag beetle. Nature Conservation 19: 39-56 *corresponding author

Cvetkovska-Gjorgjievska A, Hristovski S, Prelić D, Šerić Jelaska L, Slavevska-Stamenković V, Ristovska M (2017) Body size and mean individual biomass variation of ground-beetles community (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as a response to increasing altitude and associated vegetation types in mountainous ecosystem. Biologia 72/9: 1059—1066, 2017; DOI: 10.1515/biolog-2017-0114

Šerić Jelaska L, Symondson WOC (2016) Predation on epigeic, endogeic and anecic earthworms by carabids active in spring and autumn. Periodicum biologorum 118 (3), 281-289

Šerić Jelaska L (2016) The 17th European carabidologists meeting - continuity in exploring diversity of carabids in relation with current changes in the environment. Periodicum biologorum 118 (3), 145-147

Drag L, Hauck D, Bérces S, Michalcewicz J, Šerić Jelaska L, Aurenhammer S, Čížek L. (2015) Population genetic structure of the threatened saproxylic beetle Rosalia longicorn (Rosalia alpina) in the Central and Southeast Europe. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116(4): 911–925.

Šerić Jelaska L & Skejo J (2014) Catalogue of the entomological collections of the Division of Zoology of theFaculty of Science in Zagreb. Entomologia Croatica 18, 1-2: 59–71. Indexed in: Zoological Records

Šerić Jelaska L, Jambrošić Vladić Ž, Radovanović H., Franjević D (2014) Comparison of molecular and morphological systematic of Carabus species (Coleoptera: Carabidae) with emphasis on species from Dinaric karst. Periodicum Biologorum 116(3):249-257

Šerić Jelaska L, Franjević D, Jelaska SD, Symondson WOC (2014) Prey detection in carabid beetles in woodland ecosystems by PCR analyses of gut content. European journal of entomology 111(5): 631–638. doi: 10.14411/eje.2014.079

Šerić Jelaska L, Jurasović J, Brown SD, Vaughan PI, Symondson WOC (2014) Molecular field analysis of trophic relationships in soil-dwelling invertebrates to identify mercury, lead and cadmium transmission through forest ecosystems. Molecular ecology 23, 3755–3766. DOI: 10.1111/mec.12566

Kučinić M, Previšić A, Wolfram Graf W, Šerić Jelaska L, Stanić-Koštroman S, Waringer J (2011) Larval description, genetic and ecological features of Drusus radovanovici radovanovici Marinković-Gospodnetić, 1971 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) with some phylogenetic and taxonomic data on the bosnicus group in the Balkan Peninsula. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 58 (1): 135–153. DOI 10.1002/mmnd.201100010

Harvey DJ, Gange AC , Méndez M, Rink M, Thomaes A , Šerić Jelaska L et al. (2011) Bionomics and distribution of the stag beetle, L. cervus (L.) across Europe. Insect Conservation and Diversity 4, 23-38. (WOS IF = 2.828)

Šerić Jelaska L, Dumbović V, Kučinić M (2010) Carabid beetle diversity and mean individual biomass in beech forests of various ages. ZooKeys 100: 393–405.

Jelaska SD, Nikolić, T, Šerić Jelaska L, Kušan V, Peternel H, Gužvica G, Major Z (2010) Terrestrial Biodiversity Analyses in Dalmatia (Croatia) – complementary approach using diversity and rarity. Environmental management 45 (3): 616-625.

Šerić Jelaska L, Ješovnik A, Jelaska SD, Pirnat A, Kučinić M,Durbešić P (2010) Variations of carabid beetle and ant assemblages, and their morpho-ecological traits within natural temperate forests in Medvednica Nature Park. Šumarski list 134 (9-10): 475-486.

Šerić Jelaska L, Durbešić P (2009) Comparison of the body size and wing form of carabid species (Coleoptera: Carabidae) between isolated and continuous forest habitats. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 45 (3): 327-338.

Šerić Jelaska L, Blanuša M, Durbešić P, Jelaska SD (2007) Heavy metal concentrations in ground beetles, leaf litter and soil of a forest ecosystem. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 66: 74-81.

Temunović M, Šerić Jelaska L, Durbešić P (2007) Diversity of water beetles (Hydradephaga, Coleoptera) in temporary ponds of "Lonjsko polje" Nature Park, Croatia. Entomologia Croatica 11 (1-2): 13-24.

Šerić Jelaska L, Durbešić P (2006) Ecologically driven distribution of ground beetles in an isolated forest ecosystem of Medvednica Mountain. Beitrage zur entomologie 56: 2.

Durbešić P, Vujčić-Karlo S, Šerić Jelaska L, Pintarić K (2005) Abundance and seasonal dynamics of arthropods in the meadow community Arrenatheretum elatioris near Varaždin, Croatia. Periodicum biologorum 107(3): 1-10.

Šerić Jelaska L, Vujčić-Karlo S, Durbešić P (2004) Notes on the taxonomy of the genus Carabus (Coleoptera, Insecta) in Croatia. Acta Entomologica Slovenica 12(1): 129-138.

Izabrani projekti

Key Projects (2010 – present):

  • Neonicotinoids and Copper in the Mediterranean Agriculture - their effects on non-target invertebrates through trophic interactions, 2018-2023, 5y project funded by Croatian National Foundation – project leader
  • ESF Projekt razvoja karijera mladih istraživača - izobrazba novih doktora znanosti (DOK-01-2018 HRZZ) - project leader
  • SIDA Framework Agreement - Kosovo Environmental Program (P 1622010) - FA-KEP_79 ISTE

  • CroBarFauna “DNA barcoding of Croatian Fauna” , 2017-2021, 4y project funded by Croatian National Foundation – project associate
  • ERASMUS + mobility grant in 2015, Natural History Museum in Trieste Italy
  • ERASMUS + grant in 2015, Organisation of the Workshop on Scientific Communication and Publishing for doctoral student at the University of Zagreb
  • Establishment of stag beetle monitoring process within Papuk Nature Park, Croatia in 2015 – project leader; Field evaluations of methods proposed for monitoring stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) in Mediterranean and Continental bio geographical region in frame of IPA MANMON projects for State Institute for Nature Protection in 2013 and 2014 – project leader.
  • Mobility grant of the University of Zagreb 2014,  Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
  • EU-IPA project “Natura 2000 Management & Monitoring – Natura Manmon Croatia” with Ramboll, State Institute for Nature Protection & Ministry of Science, Education & Sport, 2011, non-key expert
  • Molecular gut content analyses in predatory carabid beetles (Carabidae, Coleoptera, Insecta), Post-doc fellowship awarded from Croatian Science Foundation in 2010 in collaboration with Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Biomedical Sciences Building, Museum Avenue, Cardiff CF10 3AX, United Kingdom