O djelatniku

dr. sc. Paula Dragičević

Zvanje: asistent
Telefon:+385(0)1 4877 750
E-mail: E-mail
Zavod/služba: Biološki odsjek
Godina diplomiranja:2018.
Godina doktoriranja:2022.
Na zavodu od:2018.

Objavljeni radovi u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji

Pretraži Hrvatsku znanstvenu bibliografiju – CRORIS

Izabrane publikacije

  • Bekavac A, Beck A, Dragičević P, Dragun Z, Maguire I, Ivanković D, Fiket Ž, Gračan R, Hudina S (2022) Disturbance in invasion? Idiopathic necrotizing hepatopancreatitis in the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) in Croatia. Journal of Fish Diseases, 45: 261-276.
  • Dragičević P, Grbin D, Maguire I, Blažević SA, Abramović L, Tarandek A, Hudina S (2021) Immune Response in Crayfish Is Species-Specific and Exhibits Changes along Invasion Range of a Successful Invader. Biology 10: 1102.
  • Dragičević P, Bielen A, Petrić I, Vuk M, Žučko J, Hudina S (2021) Microbiome of the Successful Freshwater Invader, the Signal Crayfish, and Its Changes along the Invasion Range. Microbiology Spectrum 9: e00389-21.
  • Dragičević P, Bielen A, Petrić I, Hudina S (2021) Microbial pathogens of freshwater crayfish: A critical review and systematization of the existing data with directions for future research. Journal of Fish Diseases 44: 221-247.
  • Dragičević P, Faller M, Kutleša P, Hudina S (2020) Update on the signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) range expansion in Croatia: a 10-year report. BioInvasions Records 9: 793-807.
  • Pavić D, Čanković M, Petrić I, Makkonen J, Hudina S, Maguire I, Vladušić T, Šver L, Hrašćan R, Orlić K, Dragičević P, Bielen A (2020) Non-destructive method for detecting Aphanomyces astaci, the causative agent of crayfish plague, on the individual level. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 169: 107274.

Izabrani projekti

Promjene sastava patogena i imunološkog odgovora tijekom širenja areala uspješnih invazivnih vrsta slatkovodnih rakova

  • Financiranje: Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (HRZZ)
  • Nositelj projekta: Sandra Hudina
  • Institucija: Biološki odsjek, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
  • Trajanje: 60 mjeseci (Travanj 2018 – Ožujak 2023)
  • Web stranica: https://www.pmf.unizg.hr/biol/strive