Plants of the Balkan Peninsula - Call...

Call for submitting your paper to the
Special Issue: Plants of the Balkan Peninsula in space and time

Dear colleague,
We hope you had a pleasant experience during the 7th Balkan Botanical Congress which took place in Novi Sad!
As previously announced during the conference, together with the Editors-in-Chief of the journal Plant Systematics and Evolution, we intend to publish a Special Issue of the journal devoted to the Plants of the Balkan Peninsula in space and time. Plant Systematics and Evolution is an international journal with a long tradition. This is an open call. We will accept papers on topics presented at the conference, as well as other papers by authors not present at the conference but focused on the general topic of plants of the Balkan Penninsula. Please spread the word among your colleagues! Both original research papers and short communications will be considered.
If you intend to submit your research results for the Special Issue, please send an email to the addresses of Editors of Special issue Dr. Ivana Rešetnik and Dr. Stanislav Španiel (; containing a pdf file with title, authors and the abstract of your research (150-250 words) by the end of October 2018. The evaluation feed-back on the received contributions will be given by the end of November 2018. If your contribution is approved for consideration in the Special Issue, you will be expected to submit a paper within 9 months (by the end of August 2019). Final acceptance of manuscripts submitted for the Special Issue will be based on a regular peer-review procedure.
For details on editing your abstract, please consult the Instructions for Authors (only the Title Page specifications), found on the Plant Systematics and Evolution journal webpage.
Please note that papers can be submitted anytime after approval for submission and they will be published online soon after the final acceptance. The special issue will be printed after the online publication of sufficient number of articles.
In case of any doubts please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to your contributions!
Ivana Rešetnik & Stanislav Španiel
Editors of the Special Issue

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