Besplatno korištenje ArcGIS Pro i IBM SPSS-a

Besplatno korištenje ArcGIS Pro i IBM SPSS-a na Odsjeku te povoljna kupnja  IBM® SPSS® Statistics 29, Statistica i EndNote 21

Studentima Doktorskog studija geografije omogućeno je:

  • besplatno korištenje ArcGIS Pro programskog paketa i SPSS paketa na računalima Geografskog odsjeka (u dogovoru sa sistem inženjerom Mariom Dakićem i mentorom)
  • izuzetno povoljna kupnja programa IBM® SPSS® Statistics (od 49$ na više, ovisno o vrsti i trajanju licence) 29, Statistica (od 16$ naviše), EndNote 21 (112 $) te niza drugih programa korisnih u istraživačkom radu.

Kupnja kreditnom karticom ili PayPalom se obavlja putem stranice na kojoj se potrebno registrirati sa službenom AAI identitetom odnosno e-mail adresom oblika:

Webinari o vještinama i tehnikama u...


Tvrtka Scientific Knowledge Services organizira seriju webinara s temama relevantnim za razvoj vještina u znanstvenom radu, suočavanju s posljedicama rada od kuće te mentalnom zdravlju znanstvenika. 

Za sudjelovanje na radionicima potrebno se registrirati putem poveznica u naslovima tema. 

1. Planning and managing the research process

Thu, 10 December 20 Module 4: Presenting research effectively to maximise impact
2. Working from home

Thursday 10th December 2020 @ 11am

Thursday 10th December 2020 @ 3pm

3. How to brand yourself as a researcher

Tue, 15 December 20 Module 1: Maximising your impact as a researcher

Wed,16 December 20 Module 2: Working with media teams and constructing press releases

Thu, 17 December 20 Module 3: Building engaging blog content around research

Fri, 18 December 20 Module 4: Maximising research reach and dissemination

4. Researcher Mental Health

Mon, 11 January 21 Module 1 - Researcher wellbeing

Tue, 12 January 21 Module 2: Let's talk about anxiety and depression

Wed, 13 January 21 Module 3: Let's talk about imposter experiences

Thu, 14 January 21 Module 4: Tackling the imposter experience and other insecurities


5. Statistics and data presentation

Mon, 18 January 21 Module 1: Understanding research design

Tue, 19 January 21 Module 2: Including descriptive statistics in academic papers

Wed, 20 January 21 Module 3: Using statistical tables and figures in academic papers

Thu, 21 January 21 Module 4: Reporting the results of statistical analyses

Fri, 22 January 21 Module 5: Interpreting and discussing research findings

Autor: Ivana Erdelez
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