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Dana 14.11.2017. u 14:15 sati održat će se na Geofizičkom odsjeku PMF-a sljedeće izlaganje:

Dr Ferenc Ács
(Department of Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
Education of agroclimatology at ELTE: a review with special focus on vineyard

Pozivaju se studenti i svi ostali zainteresirani da prisustvuju predavanju, koje će se održati u predavaoni Seminar Geofizičkog odsjeka PMF-a, Horvatovac 95, Zagreb.


Course „Agroclimatology” taught in scope of the ELTE’s meteorological MSc education is briefly reviwed. The course is strongly multidisciplinary and earth-science oriented. After introducing basic theory related to cultural vegetation (crop) and its environment, the scientific methods for treating crop-environment interactions (e.g. long term field experiments, agroclimatological models) are briefly considered. Special attention is devoted to those crops which determined human civilisations (China: rice based civilization, Europe: wheat based civilization). At the end, the human - vine coexistence aspects will also be considered because of its speciality.


Autor: Maja Telišman-Prtenjak
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