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Dana 17.01.2019. u 14:15 sati održat će se na Geofizičkom odsjeku PMF-a sljedeće izlaganje:

Alberto Michelini and the INGV ShakeMap team
(INGV, Rim)

Recent developments on the estimation of ground shaking using the
USGS ShakeMap software

Pozivaju se studenti svih razina studiranja i svi ostali zainteresirani da prisustvuju predavanju, koje će se održati u predavaoni P2 Geofizičkog odsjeka PMF-a, Horvatovac 95, Zagreb.

INGV has been providing maps of ground shaking (shakemaps) since 2008. The presentation will illustrate the updated configuration of the ShakeMap service provided by INGV. The new configuration makes use of USGS-ShakeMap version 4 software, adopts recently developed ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs subdividing the target area into different regions according to their tectonic regime. The VS30 map used for site corrections is based on geology, topography and velocities assigned according to the GMPEs coefficients (A,B,C EC8 soil categories). The new configuration has been validated adopting the standard approach of comparing the interpolated value at the recording station with that observed. It is found that it reduces significantly the shakemap ground motion bias of the original configuration and slightly the associated standard deviation. The new configuration is being inserted within the INGV shakemap system exploiting fully the entire data/analysis chain.


Autor: Maja Telišman-Prtenjak
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