O djelatniku

doc. dr. sc. Matko Ljulj
Telefon javni:5791
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E-mail: E-mail
Zavod/Služba:Zavod za primijenjenu matematiku
Prikaži sve podatke

O djelatniku

doc. dr. sc. Matko Ljulj

Zvanje: docent
Lokacija: 312
E-mail: E-mail
URL službenih stranica na Webu: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~mljulj/index.html
Zavod/služba: Zavod za primijenjenu matematiku
Godina diplomiranja:2016.
Godina doktoriranja:2020.
Na zavodu od:2016.



integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski



Zimski semestar 23/24: petkom, 11-13h (obavezna najava mailom)

Izabrane publikacije

  • S. Canic, M. Galovic, M. Ljulj, J. Tambaca, A dimension-reduction based coupled model of mesh-reinforced shells, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 77 (2017) 2, 744-769.
  • M. Ljulj, J. Tambaca, Iterative methods for solving a poroelastic shell model of Naghdi's type, M2AS 40 (2017), 12; 4425-4435.
  • S. Canic, M. Galic, M. Ljulj, B. Muha, J. Tambaca, Y. Wang, Analysis of a linear 3D fluid–mesh–shell interaction problem, Zeitschrift fur angewandte mathematik und physik 70 (2019), 2; 44, 38pp.
  • M. Ljulj, J. Tambaca, 3D structure - 2D plate interaction problem, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 24 (2019), 3354-3377.
  • L. Grubisic, M. Ljulj, V. Mehrmann, J. Tambaca, Modeling and discretization methods for the numerical simulation of elastic stents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA) 54 (2021), 1-30.
  • M. Ljulj, J. Tambaca, A Naghdi type nonlinear model for shells with little regularity, Journal of Elasticity, 142 (2020), 447-494.
  • M. Ljulj, J. Tambača, Numerical investigation of the 2d–1d structure interaction model, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 26 (2021), 1876-1895.
  • M. Ljulj, E. Marusic-Paloka, I. Pazanin, J. Tambaca, Mathematical model of heat transfer through a conductive pipe, M2AN 55 (2021) 2, 627-658.
  • M. Ljulj, K. Schmidt, A. Semin, J. Tambaca, Homogenization of the time-dependent heat equation on planar one-dimensional periodic structures, Applicable Analysis 101 (2022) 12, 4046-4075.
  • S. Canic, L. Grubisic, D. Lacmanovic, M. Ljulj, J. Tambaca, Optimal design of vascular stents using a network of 1D slender curved rods, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 394 (2022) 114853.
  • M. Ljulj, J. Tambaca, 3D structure - 2D plate - 1D rod interaction problem, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 46 (2023) 9053-9078.
  • S. Canic, L. Grubisic, M. Ljulj, M. Maretic, J. Tambaca, Geometric optimization of vascular stents modeled as networks of 1D rods, to appear in Journal of Computational Physics.


Izabrani projekti

2018. - 2022., HRZZ projekt: Asymptotic analysis of boundary value problems in continuum mechanics
2023. - 2027., HRZZ projekt: Singular perturbation and asymptotic analysis for boundary value problems
for partial differential equations

Hobiji i osobni interesi

Znanstveni interesi: Parcijalne diferencijalne jednadžbe i nižedimenzionalni modeli u elastičnosti.

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