Seminar za algebru, ZCI QuantiXLie

U četvrtak, 7. srpnja 2022. u okviru Seminara za algebru, Ching Hung Lam (Academia Sinica, Taipei) održat će predavanje pod naslovom: 

“Automorphism groups of cyclic orbifolds of lattice VOA”.

Let $V$ be a vertex operator algebra (VOA) and $g\in Aut(V)$ a finite automorphism of $V$.  The fixed point subset $V^{\langle g\rangle}= \{x\in V| gx=x\} $ is a vertex subalgebra of $V$ and  is often called a cyclic orbifold of $V$. In this talk, we will discuss some general methods for computing the full automorphism groups of cyclic orbifolds of lattice VOA. It is clear that $N_{Aut (V)}( <g>) $  acts on the fixed point space $V^{<g>}$. Therefore, the main question is to determine if there are automorphisms
which are  not induced from  $N_{Aut (V)}( <g>) $. We will discuss a method to construct such kinds of "extra" automorphisms and discuss some conjectures about this problem. As examples, we will determine the full automorphism groups of some orbifold VOAs associated with certain coinvariant lattices of the Leech lattice.

Seminar počinje u 17:00 sati u predavaonici A101. Pozivaju se članovi Seminara i svi zainteresirani da prisustvuju ovom zanimljivom predavanju.

Autor: Božidar Tartaro
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