Date: Thursday, 23/01/2025
Time: 15:15 
Place: F08 

Advancing Quantum Technologies with Cold Atoms
(Ticijana Ban, Institute of Physics, Centre for Advanced Laser Techniques (CAL), Zagreb)

The understanding and application of quantum mechanics have led to transformative technologies, such as transistors, LEDs, lasers, and GPS, all of which play a pivotal role in modern society. Today, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new quantum revolution, promising innovations like quantum computers, secure quantum networks, ultra-sensitive quantum sensors, and ultra-precise optical atomic clocks.

In this lecture, I will introduce one of the most exciting platforms for advancing quantum technologies based on cold atoms. In our laboratory, we utilize lasers to cool atoms to temperatures close to absolute zero, creating the foundation for developing quantum simulators and optical atomic clocks.

I will focus on the results of our experiment, in which cold rubidium atoms are confined in a high-reflectivity optical resonator and excited by a specialized laser called an optical frequency comb. This experimental platform allows for complete control over quantum systems, enabling precise manipulation of atom-light interactions and the effective management of decoherence - an inherent challenge due to environmental noise and dissipation. Our research investigates collective atom-light interactions, such as multimode optical bistability, coherent coupling of longitudinal modes, and their influence on the spatial and velocity distributions of atoms.

Autor: Antonio Štrkalj
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